Hi all ...I am in a hard time with a percentage calculation!
I have a crosstab with:
A ( a calculation account 1 + account2 )
B ( one member = "account3")
C ( CASE END structure sentence "Case when Account long name starts with 131...")
June 2008
Jul 2008
measure: net debit balance
I need the percentage calculation for the rows... for jun 2008 and july
how can I do that???
No brave cognos guru? please???
help here :(
I am not sure what you are looking for. Can you show a sample what the data might look like in tabular form something like
column1 column2 jun2008 july2008
value value value value (is this the percentage? at what level?)
What do you mean by percentage ? should it be something like (A/B * 100) ?
Could you please write down the mathematical expression for you calculation so that we can understand what is the problem.
Here we go again:
I have a crosstab with:
A ( a calculation account 1 + account2 )
B ( one member = "account3")
C ( CASE END structure sentence "Case when Account long name starts with 131...")
D >> >SHOULD BE A TOTAL row (sum)
June 2008
Jul 2008
The columns I need is the column % June 2008 ( amount of row A / row D for June 2008 %)
I think the thing is that someting is getting messy when you mix a data item, a case structure and personalized calculation.
can you help now?
no "good soul" there please?
Try this and see...
percentage ( Total (A) / Total (A for June 2008) )
Im not sure if this solves your problem... my Cognos connection is kinda down now so cant test it...
njot working no problem...
I made this calculation using the value tuple formulaes
use parentesis in all sections of the formula to achieve it
best wishes