How do we handle Null values on Attrbutes in Framework?
Our data source is off of SQL Sever and is relational data, but we use hierarchies and so it makes it Dimensional.
We have attributes called versions or account that when there isn't any values, our data item calculation in the report( does not calculate. Trying to resolve this in Framework. Amount at Brate is our Measure and it has an if null logic on it, but its the attributes that are messing up our calculations.
Please help, :(
Thanks you
You're making this more complex then it should be. Make sure to substitute a default for missing attributes. Do you have a DMR layer on top of the relational source?
Yes our DMR layer is on top of our relational source. How would I "Make sure to substitute a defualt for missing attributes?" where would I do that?
The problem also shows when you try to aggregate or the line won't even show on the report. The aggregation would be equal to $0 if one of the items are null.
I hope youre right that I am making this more complicated :) We tried the data format item and put 0 for missing values and it did not work.
I Really appreciate all the help I can on this Thank you
Simply use a coalesce function on the relational model, thus making sure that you substitute null by a default value. I assume you use a modelling layer on top of the imported relational model. That way the DMR will be based on a model instead off having to 'talk' directly against the 'raw' datastructure..
Thank you, Could you please be more specific as to where you do this? Would it be on the measure? I understand that it has to be done at the relational data level. And what is the exact format of the function coalesce( .... ?
Thanks a lot
No, obviously not on the measure (though that would no be an issue)
Sorry, all functions are well documented. Simply look it up in the documentation.
Hi ,
I also faced the same issue with teradata as backend ... but even after using coalesce i am not getting data properly . i have raised this question in the below link .. but for me it is not working only in PDF. it works perfectly in HTML .,6687.0.html