We have installed congnos in Multi server environment and Active Directory is used to configure the single sign on. But at the first login cognos seeks username and password eventhough it is SSO enabled. It is not asking the the same then
thanks for any help here
It just means that SSO has failed and C8 is falling back to Basic Authentication. What steps have you done to enable SSO ?
What type of connector have you configured in Cognos Configuration against AD?
What is the EXACT entry you have added to the advanced properties of your AD connector in Cognos Configuration?
What type of webserver do you have, and what have you changed in it EXACTLY to enable sso?
Are all your Cognos servers member of the AD domain?
Thanks for your reply.
Please find the details done for SSO here,
Webserver : IIS
Type :Active Directory
Adv properties : 'singleSignonOption' and value is 'IdentityMapping'
and all servers are member of the AD domain
BUT all users in AD (within that namespace) can access the the cognos portal, without adding their credentials now.