Hi All,
I have just started working on Cognos Planning 8.3 . We are creating a small POC as an upcoming project assignments. The problem I am facing out here is that once I add an item to elist and publish the application. the GTP works for me and I can see the application.Now again if I add new item in the elist and try to republish it by clicking on GTP icon. It gives me message saying that "the Go To Production wizard can not continue as there are incomplete jobs. Monitor them through the job screen" . and i can see "RECONCILE and VALIDATE_USERS" queued under Job Management.
Please tell me how to run the GTP again.
Look at the Job server. Two things to check.
Is it running any other job?
What is the server status, Started (as it should be) or stopping?
Easiest to try is reboot the job server, it may not be picking up the new jobs.
The GTP wizard will continue to give you this message as long as you have the two queued jobs.
Can you please explain your answer more in details. How to check server status??
In the Contributor Administration Console, underneath datastores you will see Job Server Clusters.
Open up the Job Server Clusters structure.
You will something like
Job Server Clusters
---->Job Severs
------>"Name of Job Server"
-------->Monitored Applications
Select Monitored Applications.
On the screen displayed on the right, in the middle at the bottom there is a box that says Job Server Planning Service Status. This should say started. If it says stopping then reboot your job server. I am assuming that it is a separate physical box?
If it says started is there anything in the window Job Tasks being processed by this job server? If this is not a valid job then do the below. If it is valid then you need to wait for it to finish.
Do the following two actions.
Click on Tools->Maintenance->Remove Expired Job Tasks. If there is anything in the dialog box that appears click on delete.
Reboot your job server.
After the GTP is complete, ie when it comes up with the dialogue box saying it is finished, it isn't really. What the CAC then does is reconcile your model in the background. Only when this is finished, can you reinitiate a GTP. Monitor through Monitoring Console or Job Management.
All of the above comments are true, but i have a feeling the problem is that the consequent jobs of a GTP (Reconcile and validate users) being in a QUEUED state is the problem, and my hunch is that you've not added the application to the monitored object list of a job server/job server cluster.
As StuartS says go to:
Job Server Clusters
---->Job Severs
------>"Name of Job Server"
-------->Monitored Applications
Then click the "Add" button and add everything within this view. The jobs should then change state to "Running", and once the reconcile completes, you can then GTP your application again if you so wish.