Our ERP system stores revenue and liability balances as negative values, and expense and asset balances as positive values.
In Datawarehouse have multiplied it by -1. Now revenue is +ve and expense is -ve. Problem is users DO NOT WANT TO SEE a -ve sign for expense accounts. This is just for Presentation of report and the data internally is correct. Know that there is an option for 'Reversing the sign' in Powerplay transformer (for cubes) but am not aware of such an option in Framework Manager / Query Studio. If not an option is there any 'Function' which can do this???
Any help in this is greatly appreciated.
You could write a simple case where you check the value and return the abs as a result.
You may even only need the abs function..
Thanks for your reply. Tried that which works for normal situations. However there are instances when the expenses are a +ve value in BI (for exceptions) and the user in that case WANTS to see a -ve value being displayed so that they can identify the exceptions. What is needed is a sign 'reversal' meaning when the value is -ve in BI display +ve and if the value is +ve display -ve and in either case not affect the MATH at all.
Hope i did not confuse further
Sorry, I am not following your train of thought. Care to explain what you mean with
However there are instances when the expenses are a +ve value in BI (for exceptions) and the user in that case WANTS to see a -ve value being displayed so that they can identify the exceptions
How do identify the exceptions?
Expenses are normally -ve and revenue is +ve. However there are instances for example when a user enters an expense amount wrongly at month end , they go in and add a +ve expense to correct the amount later on. This just one example and there are many cases where expenses can be +ve, in which case in the report the users WANT to see a -ve sign (reversed from +ve) so that they can easily identify it as an 'Exception'.
Hope i did not confuse you further.
No, I am just as confused as before. You lost me on this one :-\ :-\