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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: LisaSullivan on 29 Jan 2009 12:59:18 PM

Title: Same List on Page Twice Runs Too Long
Post by: LisaSullivan on 29 Jan 2009 12:59:18 PM
I have a report that has a query with a lot of data items in it.
I need to break the report out so it is 2 lists on one page.
I also need to page break both lists at the same time.
When I run it with just one list on the page it takes 10 minutes, when I run it with 2 lists from the same query it takes 2 hours.

I have tried:
Master Detail, Making sure properties for lists contain all items, Sections, Changing Report Properties in File Drop down box. 

Does anyone have other ideas?
Thank you,
Title: Re: Same List on Page Twice Runs Too Long
Post by: crn.siva on 30 Jan 2009 04:44:10 AM

Please explain clearly,

I am thinking assume your report having 20 col, you want to display 10 col in one list and another 10 col in another list and that both the reports are diaplayed side by side in cognos viewer.  if your problem like this---

you can take a table with 2 col and 1 row, in first table col create a list with 10 col and the same way you can create one more list with another 10 col,

please tell me
Title: Re: Same List on Page Twice Runs Too Long
Post by: vijayab on 12 Feb 2009 08:35:19 AM
Hi crn.siva ,

Single Queries from Multiple Lists

IBM Cognos Proprietary Information
The secret is to ensure 4 things are the same between the list frames:
1. The query
2. The sorting
3. The grouping
4. The set of data items
Ensuring the sort and group definition are the same is easy. Select the list
object and examine the Grouping and Sorting properties. Make sure they
match exactly between the lists. If they do not match then the database
query cannot be the same as different grouping and order clauses would be
Making sure the lists refer to the same set of data items is less obvious. Each
list has a property called “Properties”. Properties is a list of data items that
the author wishes to reference from the list even though they are not
displayed in the list. Using this property, the author can ensure that all data
items are referenced in both lists.
For example, a query may be defined with these items:
• Order year
• Product line
• Quantity
• Revenue
For which there are two lists:
• List1:
o Query: Query1
o Data items: Order year, Product line and Quantity
o Grouping: Order year
o Sorting: Order year Ascending
• List2:
o Query: Query1
o Data items: Order year, Product line and Revenue
o Grouping: Order year
o Sorting: Order year Ascending
Both lists use the same query, are grouped the same, and are sorted the
same. However, the lists refer to different sets of data items. Therefore, as
configured above, two queries would be generated (one for each set of
referenced data items). This is a result of the query optimization of IBM
Cognos 8 that removes unreferenced data items from the query submitted to
the data source.
Single Queries from Multiple Lists

IBM Cognos Proprietary Information
Using the Properties property it is possible to add the missing data items to
each list.
For List1, the actions to do so would be:
• Select the list object
• Select the Properties property
• Check any unreferenced data items (in this case Revenue).
Then, the same actions can be taken for List2 to select Quantity within the
Properties property.
Note: In most cases it may be simpler to simply select every data item for
both lists. Selecting a data item in the properties which is also used in the list
layout will not cause any problems or change the generated data source
Now, at run time the report will generate one query for both lists rather a
different query for each list.
There will be no indication in the Report Studio user interface that you have
set this up correctly for a single query. Likewise, there is no feedback at runtime.
The only way to be sure is to run the report and monitor the queries
using the database tools.

hope this may help u....