Hi, Can any one explain be, the logo displaying in all pages. I need the logo display only in first page of the report. Could you explain briefly...
Thanks in Adv....
Here is the solution
Create a variable which has a formula like :
if (PageNumber()<>1) then (1)
else (2)
Use Report Studio functionnalities to hide all the columns of the LIST except the image.
Set the Pagenation Properties
I dont think thats what he wanted to know. The requirement here is NOT to display only the image on the first page, but to display the image ONLY in the first page (along with the list) and not on the rest.
I think you can try this one out... Delete the page header completely or dont display anything on the header and put the logo on a block in between the page header and ur list and have the block formatted like the page header. Hope this helps.