Hi all,
I have created an access table that uses an import and includes the eList. It works great and does exactly what I needed. The issue is that now the dimension doesn't include a subtotal of the items that are included in each eList section. Does anyone know how to get the dimension to include a subtotal while still using Access tables? I've been playing with saved selections but having issues.
hi Shananigins,
Do you have a screen shot of the access table you are using?
Sorry but there is no way for applying access tables to elist hierarchy nodes. Access will be granted automatically based on the underlying leaf elist items.
You mean a subtotal on the Dlist you are applying the access table to?
If your Dlist has items 1 - x then add a Total item on the end summing these all up. Amend the access table so this Total is included in each Elist item.
So Elist item A might contain 1 - 10 and Total, while Elist item B might contain 11 - 20 and Total.
Thanks everyone. It was a silly issue. I had two white spaces in the dList in Analyst prior to the word "Total". The txt file needs to match exactly what's in the dList. Working now.
Ah, that old chestnut!
Another one to watch out for is the vertical bar '|', which is often used to display blank lines in Contributor (it has been deliberately set up to treat them as blank).
Unfortunately if you import your access tables you can't refer to these lines in your import files - it doesn't recognise them.