I am going to build a PDF format report like the following :
Order Item A1, Order Item A2..Order Item N |
Order Item Ax, Order Item Ay..Order Item Z |
Is it just needs to make the relation : Order (1..1) and Order Item (1..n)
and then the PDF report will display each order into a single table with it Order Items inside it table ?
Thanks !
Designate the order as a section and the detail info can be displayed in an object for every order individually..
Dear blom0344 ,
Thanks so much !
However, how to make each Order in the PDF report displaying in a new page ?
You can accomplish this by using a pageset combined with a section. Do a search on these topics and you will find a few instructions..
In my report, I have built a replationship between of Order (1..1) and Order Item (0..n)
However, my report output the order item of a order which mixed with another Order. All Order Items mixed together and display in each Order page !
Order 1
Order Item 1, Order Item 2...Order Item N
Order N
Order Item 1, Order Item 2...Order Item N
Any suggestion to solve this trouble ?
Is it casued by the Store procedure (SP) ?
Because I use SP to solve the complex business logic in each side. And then I use Framework Manager to join them with (1..1) and (0..n) relationship. So that each side do not have a primary key to identify the SP table.
Do you think is it caused by the matters of SP ?