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General Discussion => General Discussion & Gossip => Topic started by: JH012 on 01 Nov 2005 04:44:15 AM

Title: Recipients License
Post by: JH012 on 01 Nov 2005 04:44:15 AM
License issue. I have been testing and analysing the software, and I'm looking to rollout the software to a number of our existing clients, however I have a potential issue with the Recipients license.
As far as I understand if I burst a Report via email to a group of users, each user would require the Recipients license. however if I send the report via email after typing in the Users Email address, the user would not require the license.
Any comments would be gratefull


John Hazelwood
Title: Re: Recipients License
Post by: cognosfreelancer on 22 Nov 2005 02:16:13 PM
There is very little consistency on licensing costs.

Having said that I strongly believe that even when you distribute the ReportNet report by manually typing email addresses you will need consumer licences.

This is so no matter what format you send the report out, PDF,CSV and so on.

You could expose the report as a PDF from a third party portal. That might avoid licensing issues. However do check with your sales agent.

I do not want to abet any licensing crimes  :)

Title: Re: Recipients License
Post by: mkzaman on 17 Jul 2006 04:26:42 AM
 ??? We are in a process of evaluating few BI tools and recognize that Cognos having the edge over others. But one of the burning issue about "Recipients License". We like to have a facility to emailÃ,  certatin report in PDF format to our suppliers who will be outside Cognos environment. Do we need license for our supplier who will view the report in PDF?

We did ask this question to the Cognos reseller and his answer was that recipients license is requiered. But when we told him that the deal is off, he did come back a day after confirming us thatÃ,  no license is required.
Now, we are confused.

Any advice....

Thank you.
Title: Re: Recipients License
Post by: Blue on 17 Jul 2006 11:28:58 AM
My understanding is that no license is required.  How can it be?  The deliverable is a PDF formated file and PDF is owned by Adobe not Cognos.  Adobe does not require a reader of a PDF file to have a license.  In fact that is why PDF is so popular.

Once a PDF, CSV, Excel, etc. file is created by a Cognos tool the distribution of that file is only limited to A) the owner's confidentiality/security rules and B) the reader having the appropriate reader software installed.
Title: Re: Recipients License
Post by: mkzaman on 17 Jul 2006 11:44:26 PM
That's make sense!

Thanks Blue.
Title: Re: Recipients License
Post by: sir_jeroen on 28 Mar 2007 05:39:30 PM
For issues regarding licences.. Contact your account manager.. He can tell you everything about the Cognos Licensing model. Anyway everything that's said in this forum is to be used at your own risk.