does anyone know what the hardware requirements are for cognos 8?
I have heard from a couple cognos reps they are "unchanged" and what we use now will work as good with the upgrade.
My only question is, when do we get it?!
That is a good question... but this is not the place to post this topic... post it on to the general discussion section.
Kidding! Couldn't resist the opportunity to paraphrase one of your posts Reportnet Addict! :)
It's the same architecture as ReportNet, so if it's configured as you would configure ReportNet, it should consume approximately the same resources.Ã, Having said that, there's so much more you can do in Cognos 8 - OLAP, alerts, metrics etc, so you may end up having to support a larger user base than with ReportNet, which of course may have an impact on your hardware requirements...
If I was being asked to predict, I'd look at what the hardware requirements are currently in your business to be able to support CMM, Noticecast, PPES and ReportNet, and use that as a rough guide for Cognos 8 (assuming you will be using all of these parts).
Quote from: JoeBass on 01 Nov 2005 06:37:36 AM
That is a good question... but this is not the place to post this topic... post it on to the general discussion section.
Kidding! Couldn't resist the opportunity to paraphrase one of your posts Reportnet Addict! :)
We might make a moderator out of you yet, JoeBass.... ;)
Hey kiddo's this is a serious topic... Why can't you all be like MFGF (one of the elderly :D), CoginAustin and me... ;)
If you want to chat go to the general Gossip section...
This is a place for serious members ONLY!! :P
Btw JoeBass is already on my Black list... Are you asking too for it Admin?? ;)
And JoeBass... beware of my wrath!!!!Ã, :D
Quote from: ReportNet Addict on 01 Nov 2005 03:24:51 AM
does anyone know what the hardware requirements are for cognos 8?
Here you go, from the documentation -
Operating system
* Sun Solaris
Red Hat Enterprise Linux on Intel-compatible x86
(Some Cognos 8 components are not supported under Linux.)
Minimum: 1 GB
Operating system specifications
File descriptor limit set to 1024 on Solaris (recommended)
Disk space
Minimum: 1 GB of free space on the drive that contains the temporary directory used by Cognos components.
For Metric Studio, the size of the metric store will increase over time. Ensure that you have sufficient disk space for future requirements.
Web server
A Web server installed and started
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
JRE is installed automatically with Cognos 8 on Windows.
If you are using an application server, use the JRE that is installed with it.
One of the following databases available to store Cognos data:
* Oracle
* DB2
* Microsoft SQL Server
TCP/IP connectivity to Microsoft SQL Server
* Sybase
For Metric Studio, the following databases are supported for the metric store:
* Oracle
* DB2
* Microsoft SQL Server
TCP/IP connectivity to Microsoft SQL Server
Web browser
For all Web browsers, the following enabled:
* cookies
* JavaScript
For Microsoft Internet Explorer only, the following enabled:
* Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins
* Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting
* Active scripting
For a terminal emulator to install Cognos 8 on UNIX, the emulation set to VT220 equivalent or better to ensure that the hot keys in the Installation wizard work
On Windows, Microsoft Data Access Component (MDAC) for use with product samples
If you want to email reports, the ability to use a mail server
All technical details aside, I'm running it on my 1.6ghz 512mb laptop and it performs OK for demos.
About the same as CRN. Although I'm only working with OLAP Cubes and not hitting the DB other than as a content store (MSSQL).
Tnx Mike... all I wanted to know...
Note the Cognos 8 Installation and Configuration Guide indicates the minimum installation prerequisites to install the software.Ã, What you ultimately need depends on your business/data/IT requirements.
Cognos typically recommends a 3-tiered, role-based server architecture for production systems.
I'd recommend a capacity planning and sizing exercise to determine the best installation topology (and server environment) that will suit your needs.Ã, Probably a good idea to contact Cognos Professional Services on this.
A lection given on this topic by Cognos Professional Services Consultant can be summarized as following:
- You can't determine future load (and therefore server requirements) until 70 % of project.
- So you need to start with servers enough for the project team to work and later increase the proccessing power, if needed.
- With 3-tier architecture, considering only mid-tier requirements are:
2 CPU, 4 GB RAM for 3-5 project team
4 CPU, 8 GB RAM for 5-10 project team
I am surprised that ReportNet Addict is asking these type of questions ... Didn't he join the Dark Side recently ...? Or red side actually ;D
I think the question was asked before the rumoured assimilation of RA into the Collective... :-)
Yes.. I've been assimilated...
We're swarming out and we'll soon be knocking on your doors ..
HAIL to the Collective... Outside the Collective there's nothing....
Don't go to the bright white light at the end... Go for the red light.....
So young ... So naive that he will be the one that will change things for the better ...
Ah, I miss the feeling myself ...
Come to the bright side, Luke, err, J.
So what's the difference between being married or not? :D
Maybe one of us should change his nick name to "Al Bundy" :D