- The IBM Cognos Community

General Discussion => Forum suggestion box => Topic started by: Blue on 30 Oct 2005 05:27:54 PM

Title: Can we have ability to email to others from forum with a link to a sign-up page?
Post by: Blue on 30 Oct 2005 05:27:54 PM
I think it would be great if the forum tool allowed us to send an email from it with an invitation and link/info on how to subscribe.  We could then send it peers directly from this site rather than another email server.  My client doesn't like such emails going out and as I can't get to my personal email easily such a feature would be useful.
Title: Re: Can we have ability to email to others from forum with a link to a sign-up p
Post by: COGNOiSe administrator on 30 Oct 2005 11:05:54 PM
Hi Blue,

Do you mean the 'Send Topic' button? (just click on any post/topic and you shoukd be able to see it near one of the other buttons).

Title: Re: Can we have ability to email to others from forum with a link to a sign-up page?
Post by: Blue on 01 Nov 2005 02:26:51 AM
No, I mean athe ability to send an invitation to someone to join the forum.  That email should include a link and a message about the formum and why they should jon.

It has nothing to do with any specific topic.

Title: Re: Can we have ability to email to others from forum with a link to a sign-up p
Post by: COGNOiSe administrator on 02 Nov 2005 05:24:00 PM
great idea, bluey. i'll draft something shortly.

Title: Re: Can we have ability to email to others from forum with a link to a sign-up p
Post by: COGNOiSe administrator on 03 Nov 2005 09:03:04 AM
Here it is everyone - a flyer to all your COGNOS-positive friends.

Bluey, I'll expect your viral marketing to be in full flight.

Title: Re: Can we have ability to email to others from forum with a link to a sign-up page?
Post by: Blue on 07 Nov 2005 05:50:06 PM
Looks good, thanks.