Can anybody please pass me the link/files of any Dimensional Report Authoring OR Dimensionally modelling relational data documents. I am plannig to learn it from scratch. Any help is appreciated.
Vivek Mody
I am looking for info in this subject as well and found this on the web:
Also, the following is an exert from an email a friend sent me in response to my questions in this regards.
I hope this helps a bit.
1) When to use Dimensionally Modeled Relational (DMR)?
- Maintenance of complex security in DMR is more convenient (for the modelers/data warehouse group) especially if that same security could only be implemented in Transformer using many many user class views which would require either manual maintenance or complex automation logic.
- DMR is more useful (for the consumers) if the re-fresh rate of the data in the data source is more current than that within the cube and there is a requirement to have this type of timely information. This is especially so if the cube build times are very long.
2) When not to use DMR?
- It may be better to use Transformer to model ragged or unbalanced hierarchies since FM DMR does not do this very well.
- It may be better to use Transformer to model relative times since that functionality is built in as a drag n drop feature versus in FM where it is much more of an individual effort. Alternatively, one might wait until the FM 8.3 release is available and try again.
3) Implementation tips for DMR
- It may be useful to prevent certain user groups from bringing DMR modeled packages into Report Studio in order to minimize the unpredictability of potential queries. This might be achievable in the 8.2 Cognos Connection environment.
- It may be useful to investigate Oracle technology to leverage their cube performance optimization capabilities.
Thank You....