I'd love to see a space for job postings, both help wanted and help offered. I work for a Cognos Consulting partner and we have immediate needs for a number of good resources. This would be a great forum for networking and broadening our reach.
Hi Rocket,
Thanks for your post. We have been working on a jobs module that is a bit more structured than a bulletin board format. We have also been trawled over by spam bots so security is also a high priority. Watch this space.....
Thanks for the suggestion and welcome aboard.
Rocket..what kind of resources are you looking for? what skill sets are required? and what would be the location?
Hi cognostechie. I don't want to violate the rules of the site, so please take a look at www.brightstarpartners.com for more information. You can contact us from there.
I love the 'tech corner' on your site. You should create a new post with links to the tutorials I think they would be very useful to the community.
I have finished the prototype for a jobs listing module which I am thinking of running as a parallel website (ie. different domain name etc) as I believe COGNOiSe should remain an advertisement-free site.
Would anyone have any objections? I was hoping to target COGNOS recruiters and charge them a small fee to use the facility.
Please feel free to send me your comments either via reply post or email (email@cognoise.com).
No add it to this site....
Only apply strict rules!!!
I was keen to:
- separate posts relating to COGNOS from the posts related to jobs
- keep the forum free from advertisements (so I'll prob use the news box for listing a few job ads instead of a board)
- have the ability for COGNOiSe members to load their resumes for searching by employers
So the only way I could come up with achieving these goals was by setting up a separate site.
But I wanted to know how receptive the community would be to the above? Is storing a resume important? Would the community like to see a news feed of a few featured COGNOS job ads to get a feel for the market for COGNOS professionals?
Dear Cognoise Administrator
That is a great idea. Thanks for coming up with this.
I would like that to be separated from Cognoise.com. In my experience dealing with Yahoo groups formed by the alumni of my alma maters, there were so many job postings that most of us got turned away.
Make no mistake, postings of opportunities are very important to me and I am sure to many other members here.
I have a closing question for you. How would this site be different from regular sites such as dice.com.
Seeing the great job you and your team have done with cognoise.com I am hoping that the new site will have something to differentiate it.
Hey NKT,
Thanks for the feedback.
Great question on how the job site might differentiate itself from dice.com etc.
One of the things that I found difficult with the major job sites was that the inventory of skills was too generic, ie. it was hard to add the skill of having ReportNet experience for example - the closest thing would be 'COGNOS'.Ã, Thus you have to type it into the free text area - which means it's a little harder for prospective employers to search.
This new site will provide (amongst other things):
- more product detail for the skills inventory to choose from (thus allowing employers to target prospective job seekers more effectively and vice versa)
- caters for the BI/DW community only
- updated job ads straight to the COGNOiSe news box, so you won't even have leave the COGNOiSe site to keep your finger on the pulse of the market
- these job feeds will only be for COGNOS-related roles (other non-COGNOS roles will be filtered which means less scrolling and visual pollution)
- caters for all countries (not just the US market)...I'm still struggling with the major COGNOS cities for each country so this may be of an iterative nature
Would love your/community's thoughts.
Perhaps you might like to help some of the team in user testing? Drop me a line if you're interested (email@cognoise.com). I expect we might be in a position for a soft-launch in a few weeks' time.
We have immediate needs in Atlanta GA for Business Analysts with ReportNet skills..... one that is urgent is a team lead. Please review our posting at http://www.datamasters.com.
Will not go into more details to not violate the rules.... but lots of things coming. Mainly permanent positions. Client doing MAJOR implementation of COGNOS and looking for strong folks.
Do you provide tickets and housing :D
I'll be posting onto jobnoise later this evening but wanted to send a quick comment:
I'm a recruiter seeking experienced Cognos EP/BI users for our major client in Las Vegas, NV.
This is a great, well paying position for the right person.
Please send me your contact info to:
so I can send you more details.
Thank you!!!
I prefer checks & tickets....
I just posted this exciting opportunity on Jobnoise - check it out!
Looking for experienced Cognos Dev for a Boston Consulting firm - LIMITED or NO travel!