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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: utsabsengupta on 29 Dec 2008 03:36:38 AM

Title: Alternate hide and show of reports
Post by: utsabsengupta on 29 Dec 2008 03:36:38 AM
there are three prompts in my report
.1)Prompt for Product Information Search(displays the product information for a particular Part number).
2)Prompt by product search string(displays corresponding report for the search string)
3)Prompt by product description string(displays corresponding report for the description string search string)

By means of data the report is running fine.But we need a change in the Layout.

Say if we select a part number for the Product Information Search prompt then we should get the info for this report only.The other reports(ie the Product search and Description Search data should become hidden).Similarily if we select a product search string then only its coressponding report should be visible.The other reports should be hidden.

Could anyone help me out...???/I am stuck up..........
Title: Re: Alternate hide and show of reports
Post by: Sunchaser on 29 Dec 2008 10:23:37 AM

I don't know if it's the only solution but I would do something like a conditionnal layOut, based on a variable with an expresssion like:

WHEN (ParamDisplayValue('param_1') is not null) and (ParamValue('param_2') is null) and (ParamDisplayValue('param_3') is null) THEN '1'
WHEN (ParamDisplayValue('param_1') is null) and (ParamValue('param_2') is not null) and (ParamDisplayValue('param_3') is null) THEN '2'
WHEN (ParamDisplayValue('param_1') is null) and (ParamValue('param_2') is null) and (ParamDisplayValue('param_3') is not null) THEN '3'

for example.

Hope it could help you.
Title: Re: Alternate hide and show of reports
Post by: utsabsengupta on 30 Dec 2008 08:32:08 AM
Thanks for your sugestion ...It worked
Title: Re: Alternate hide and show of reports
Post by: utsabsengupta on 03 Jan 2009 12:23:36 PM
Hey dude .....Its not working...!!!!is there any alternative..please help me out..I am stuck up......the reports shows no data on selection
Title: Re: Alternate hide and show of reports
Post by: Sunchaser on 03 Jan 2009 02:49:20 PM

From my side, I don't know -> I've tested and it is working fine.
I've created a conditionnal layout based on a variable with the same type of expression, and I can get the page corresponding to the choice in the prompt.

Title: Re: Alternate hide and show of reports
Post by: Kattrix on 03 Jan 2009 04:08:22 PM
What version are you using...?
Sometime in 8.2 or 8.3 and beyond, paramCount() and render variables were added.

In your conditional variable, use paramCount() function to test if selections are greater than 0 (this will verify if user selected something from a prompt).

On each report page, set the render variable to render only if the corresponding conditional variable returns true.
Title: Re: Alternate hide and show of reports
Post by: Shailaja0520 on 05 Jan 2009 11:53:05 PM
 check If this is working---
1.Create a prompt - add static values-Product Information,product search, product description.
2.create a conditional block.
3. add String variable in conditional explorer-- Paramvalue('<parameter name of prompt>')
and add values for the variable-Product Information,product search, product description.
4.Select Condtional BLock and add Block Variable.
5. select Product Infomation in current block and drag the list with req columns...and so on select other values from current block display different list accordingly.
Title: Re: Hi Please help me out one more prob
Post by: utsabsengupta on 06 Jan 2009 02:08:38 AM
Say I have a list report.I have two columns x and y.
I have a prompt (value prompt) for selecting a value for x and displaying the coressponding report.Now I want to dynamically sort the columns.Say if we click the header of x then x should be descending order and if we click header of y then y in descending.My report is running fine without the use of value prompt .But When I apply the prompt my report does'nt work.pLEASE help me out.
Title: Re: Alternate hide and show of reports
Post by: wyconian on 07 Jan 2009 06:50:35 AM

I'm not sure how to do this by clicking on the column header but you could do it via a prompt.

To do that create a value prompt on your report page with static choices for the columns you want to sort by (x,y) called ?p1?.

Create a data item in the query for the report (as opposed to the report page).  The calculation for the data item would be something like
case when ?p1? = 'x' then [column x] else [column y] end. 

You won't see this column in the report but you should be able to use it in the sort (if you can't select it in the properties property for the report).  You should then be able to sort on this new column