Could you please help me out with the below scenario
Report has rows for States and Cities. There is a caluclation which is ranked on States. The number of cities under a State are fixed but different. The number rows allowed on a page are fixed. Rows are such that each state is followed by its cities. We need a scneario where 2nd page shud always start with a State and shouldn't have a scneario where half cities of a state are on one page and the other half on second.
Page 1
State 1 100
City 1 20
city 2 60
State 2 80
City 3 40
city4 50
city 5 10
Page 2
State 3 60
City 6 20
city 7 40
State 4 30
City 8 10
city9 10
city 10 20
We cannot have city 5 on second page. And column is sorted on value corresponding to State