I am in the process of setting up a Cognos 8 environment for our customers who we currently have set up on a Cognos 7 system.
What I would like to do ideally is have a different portal tab for each customer. Then I would ideally have the system automatically display their portal tab as the default when they sign in to Cognos Connection.
Additionally I would only want them to be able to see their own portal tab and their 'My Folders' portal tab.
eg, members of group Users - ACME Inc see the ACME Inc portal tab when they sign in and can only see the ACME Inc and My Folders portal tabs.
Is there a way to achieve this kind of set up?
I have tried creating portal tabs and giving permissions but can not get these accessible to the individual groups, presumably because I have to create them in 'Public Folders'.
Any ideas?
Any help/advice would be much appreciated.
Go on ACME Inc group, check this group and clik on "default user profile", an icon on the right of the page. Appear a properties panel, you can select any portal tabs you want to see for this group (for example "MyFolders" and "ACME Inc Portal").
Hope this helps,