When attempting to run a report from a blackberry, it does not move beyound the hour glass screen....
Anyone knows why?? any feedback is greatly apreciated..
Are you accessing using Go! Mobile or Cognos Connections using the BlackBerry browser as you would from the desktop?
I'm accesing cognos connection using the BlackBerry browser....
is this the wrng way to do it? Can the reports be accessed directly from the Cognos 8 Go Mobile Client? if yes.. then how?
Go! Mobile has some distinct value add in the areas of presentation transformation and managing secure offline storage and access. While imperfect and somewhat pricey, for production quality mobile reporting, Go! Mobile should certainly be considered.
In terms of what you can access with Go! Mobile, the default install allows you to view My Folder and Public Folders content (subject to your privileges). Via Mobile service admin, mobile users may be further confined to a specific root folder (a child of Public Folders).
How can I confine "mobile to a specific root folder (a child of Public Folders)"
I know I have to do it through mobadmin tool.. whatis the command??
Hi Ricky,
Actually, not a mobadmin command. You need to go into Cognos Admin and set the "Portal.ConsumerRoot" parameter in the Mobile service and then restart the service.
Portal.ConsumerRoot has a somewhat unusual (and undocumented) syntax:
/content/folder(@name="XXX") where XXX is the name of the folder under "Public Folders" which you want to use as the root folder for mobile users.
I tried what you mentioned and now i get an error msg when trying to log in from a blackBerry. the error msg is:
MOB-SVR-1162 Encountered an error while communicating with another component of cognos 8.[/font]
Any help is greatly apreciated as cognos tech support could not help..!!
Ricky, first of all, my apologies. There was a typo in the parameter format for Portal.ConsumerRoot I provided earlier. The correct syntax is:
/content/folder[@name='XXX'] <= Single quotes and square brackets instead of double quotes and round brackets.
Restart the Mobile service for the change to take effect and make sure "/Public Folders/XXX" exists.
I dont' recall seeing a MOB-SVR-1162 previously but the above would certainly contribute to problems. Check the mob.log file in the logs folder for additional details.