I went to the Cognos 8 (BI) seminar today and tried to conviced the product manager to include PowerHouse Web (Form Studio?) in the next version.
Every BI/DW client I have worked with in the last 6 years has had the need to update data in the DW that doesn't exist in a transactional system elsewhere. Framework Manager is an excellent replacement for PHD and I believe a web based drag and drop form designer and runtime would be a great compliment to the other components of the Cognos 8/9 product.
What do you all think?
P.S. CRN replaces Quiz, DS replaces QTP.
Sounds marvellous to me, Blue. All you need to do now is to convice Rob Ashe...
Sorry for being a stick in the mud but what is CRN & DS?
Anything to improve availability of PH would be great.
Alas I think the licencing structure will make it impractical.
Can we live in hope?
CRN = Cognos ReportNet
DS = DecisionStream