I want to be able to easily answer the question 'What capabilities (Report Studio, Query Studio, Directory Administration etc) and object access (reports, queries, packages, sources, portals etc) that each authenticated user has access to?'. We have been trying to manage this mess since the first day of installation using spreadsheets (currently out of control). I had tried the Cognos Tool called c8AuditExtension to no avail as is evident below.
Recently IBM Cognos has initiated an audit of our license compliance. They expected the Audit external consultant to watch us go through the arduous task of taking snapshots of Cognos connection screens from capabilities through the maze to authenticated users. The consultant would then have been expected to go and manually transfer all this info into a spreadsheet to confirm or deny compliance. This would have taken man weeks to do, so we told them to give us some automatic way of capturing this information in a spreadsheet (using COGNOS8 maybe!!!!!).
Cognos came forward with a tool to allow reporting on its object stores and any authentication tool that it uses to run its COGNOS8 Application Server. The main store of interest to me is the Content Store. This tool works by first extracting data from its current object stores, making another database and populating it. A framework package and model is provided for this new database as is some reports. Cognos provides this tool with no responsibility or official support.
For several weeks now we have been trying to get the extraction tool to work. I with the help of the audit consultant (pushing IBM Cognos) have conquered some of the issues that have arisen with it, however it still is failing.
The ACCOUNT AUDIT part is the only part that now runs through to completion.
The CONTENT AUDIT, STATUS AUDIT are failing, and for some reason the last part of most interest ROLE/CAPABILITY AUDIT is not showing up as an option to run. Of course the ACCOUNT AUDIT part is no use on it own to answer my questions, least of all answer the IBM Audit compliance questions.
HELP from anyone who has used this product would be greatly appreciated.
I am NOT after purchasing some other expensive product so please do not try to solicit some other solution unless the price is next to nothing.