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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: Matt_C on 07 Dec 2008 05:51:37 PM

Title: Export to Excel Dialog Box Problem
Post by: Matt_C on 07 Dec 2008 05:51:37 PM
Hi everyone,

Several of my users have started receiving an unusual problem in Planning.

The attached image is self explanatory really. They can no longer read the text because the background colour for the text boxes in the dialog window is now black, and as the text colour is also black, this makes reading the text impossible. We know the problem is user specific, as other users are able to log into their machine successfully, and when the user with the error uses another machine they still have the same problem.

Has anyone else come across this problem and know a fix?

We have uninstalled and reinstalled the application. And the next step from there would be to reset their profile which is quite a drastic measure as this involves backing up their profile and reinstalling all of their applications.

Title: Re: Export to Excel Dialog Box Problem
Post by: abernabr on 08 Dec 2008 11:05:01 AM
While I don't know a fix, I have had a similar problem...but instead of the text being black I would get a "(Translation missing)" in place of the text. However, it has been intermittent and I can't seem to replicate it.

Are you running 8.2, I am? I have been hearing that 8.3 sp1 has a lot of fixes.

I know its not a ton of help, but you aren't alone on this one.
Title: Re: Export to Excel Dialog Box Problem
Post by: Matt_C on 08 Dec 2008 04:02:15 PM
Thanks abernabr.

We're running 8.1 at the moment, unfortunately.

We're a bit lucky as the users know what each of the fields should read but we're just worried about this happening to new users.

Title: Re: Export to Excel Dialog Box Problem
Post by: adityashah27 on 12 Dec 2008 08:13:38 PM
I have seen both error messages while using Get Data and Export to Excel in 81, 82, 83.
normally that point of time, i have seen some admin job running i.e. reconcile or publish.
some times when app server is busy and lot of jobs/processing running, i would see this kind of behavior.

this isnt happening regular and it will fix in few minutes. i still unable to find the real cause.