Hey there everyone. I was wondering if there was a way to automatically list all filters used in an individual report.
When using query studio, every filter gets listed until the report title, and when transferring the report to Report Studio, it keeps that list at the top, leading me to believe there IS a way to make a running list of active filters. I just odn't know where to do it. Am I right in my assumption? If so, would you be able to point me in the right direction for getting the ball rolling?
Thanks in advance friends!
I haven't checked but I suspect it's showing you all the values that got passed to the filters, not the names of the filtered data items, right? To reproduce that, drag a Layout Calculation into the page header and change the tabs at the bottom to Parameters. Then drag in the required parameter. Repeat as many times as necessary, placing spaces or other text between.
Hmmm, when I pulled in the Layout Calculation the parameters section was blank. Right now the only filter I have on right now is "All open accounts" Any ideas?
Do you want to be able to select which filters are applied via a prompt or will all filters in the report be applied?
If all the filters are applied and are static you could use text items in the report heading to show what the filters are.
If you want to be able to select which filters are applied you could do this using prompts and then use the paramaters in the filter dialog box. If you do this then you will have a parameter and you can use a layout calculation in the report header as mentioned above.
Yes, I misunderstood your scenario. My solution works if you have parameters and the user chooses filter results, such as [Age]=?What Age?.
It sounds like you have hard-coded filters, such as [Age]=40. (No parameters.)
In this case you will need to drag text items into your header and physically state what filters you chose to use.
Angela gave a very easy resolution.
If you are hardcoding, then just use text to list all the hardcoded filters...