I am attempting to populate a D-cube where my source is a Cognos Package. When I choose the published package, build the d-link and execute the d-link I receive the following error (attached as a .doc).
While I am not in the IT department, I am attempting to give them a hand in resolving this issue....so any thoughts at all would be great (cause of problem, ways to trouble shoot, etc).
What version of Planning are you using? 8.3 SP1 fixlist has a ton of fixes for loading data from a cognos package. Its been very random for us... works on some links not on others... and when we loading data that has more than 100 records we lose records randomly. Sorry this post isnt very helpful.
Hi, I'm not sure if this helps with your precise problem, but we have experienced problems with query items in the package containing underscores or other reserved characters.
We are currently running 8.2 and will upgrade if we decide we want to continue using Planning. However, our biggest deciding factor is if we will be able to pull data in from BI (don't want to make a huge investment if a key feature doesn't work properly).
Thanks for the insight, it is always appreciated.
You have a variety of options for loading data from external sources into Contributor
1) Admin links from Cognos packages (they get more stable with each release)
2) Loading the import tables directly in the application database
3) Use BI to create tab-delimited files to Copy/Load/Prepare into Contributor
4) ODBC link the data into Analyst cubes, export to tab-delimited files, Copy/Load/Prepare