When i add a total to a crosstab. I get the following error:
GEN-ERR-0011 Pattern 'manyDimensions' is not supported in 'RelationalQueryProvider'. GEN-ERR-0009 Data Source type(s) 'OL' Function 'loap_sum' is not supported in 'RelationalQueryProvider'. QFS-ERR-0130 The query is not supported. RSV-SRV-0042 Trace Back.
Any ideas?
Considering that the error message contains words such as "many dimensions" and "Relational Query" it might have something to do with combining two facts from different tables without a common dimension or at least one that operates on the same level.
If this is the case, have another look at your framework and see if the two facts operate on the same grain.
How are you adding the total? From the error it sounds like you may be trying to use an olap function with a relational data source which is a no no.
Just the usual Aggregate and then Total....allways been ok up to now.
Crosstabs do not 'total' data. If you want a total, you have to add a crosstab space instead, with text to get that result.
2007 2008 Crosstab Space
product Line product Type
product Type
Crosstab Space
Crosstab Space
Turn the render fact cells on in the crosstab spaces. Here is a sample using go datawarehouse (analysis)