Anyone got this tool up and running?
...the install/configuration is brutal! (various edits in xml file, and manual deployment to tomcat, etc)
I'm able to get the service up and running, and it appears to be working (I'm able to navigate Cognos Connection to grab content)
As soon as I select a report in the tree, under that report I get the error message:
PRS-PRH-0250 The target server returned an HTTP error code
(this is on the same machine as Cognos 8.4 BI ...yes, I did switch the port to 8081)
Any thoughts?
I got it to where I could see the folders, but I still have not installed my Samples. Once I get them installed (probably tomorrow), I'll let you know how it turns out. Why 8081 instead of 8080?
The port needed changing 'cause the other tomcat is running on 8080 already. As far as the error goes i suspect you have integrated auth set on the virtual directories. Try turning it off.
...I got it up and running....pretty cool!
One thing I realized right away is that it will be quite important to give each of your report objects (i.e. list, cross-tabs, graphs) a user friendly name.
(my problem was in the file. I had not set my gateway, and dispatcher to the correct URLs (i.e. they weren't the default))
I have to agree with the install/config being a little too manual. Doesn't feel refined yet.
I'm having two problems with it so far:
1. The service won't start. I get error code 0 every time I try. The event log has the very useful error:
The IBM Cognos 8 Go! Dashboard service terminated with service-specific error 0 (0x0). It will start if I manually run startup.bat from the command line though.
2. I'm at the last step in the install, where I test the installation by going to a specific URL. Every time I try I get a firewall error:
DPR-ERR-2079 Firewall Security Rejection. Your request was rejected by the security firewall. I have gone through the firewall steps on page 9 over and over again, but it isn't helping.
Hi Kyle556
>1. The service won't start. I get error code 0 every time I try. The event log has the very useful error:
>The IBM Cognos 8 Go! Dashboard service terminated with service-specific error 0 (0x0). It will start if I manually run startup.bat from >the command line though.
I have had that error once before. I fixed it by uninstalling the service (service.bat uninstall) and reregistering it after making sure that
java_home was set (and visible in the "service.bat install" output).
>2. I'm at the last step in the install, where I test the installation by going to a specific URL. Every time I try I get a firewall error:
>DPR-ERR-2079 Firewall Security Rejection. Your request was rejected by the security firewall. I have gone through the firewall steps on >page 9 over and over again, but it isn't helping.
What is the URL you test ? what have put as "valid host/domain" in the CAF settings ?
Hi David,
I am getting the exact same problem. I have both the app servers running on the same machine on 2 ports 8080 for C8 and 8081 for Go!
Spent 2 days fighting the config, got it up and running but am still unable to:
1. See any objects in the folder structure, i.e. I can see all my folders under public folder but I when I expand them there is nothing there. Also when I click the toolbox I am getting this error "PRS-PRH-0250 The target server returned an HTTP", no objects getting displayed there either.
2. See Go! Dashboard in the capabilities in Cognos Admin. Initially I had set the WEB.GATEWAY_URI in the PresentationService and I thought that was the problem. But since then I have changed that to my dispatcher's advance setting and restarted the cognos server but its still the same. Cannot access Go! from Cognos.
My file looks something like this:
I have checked all the URLs in IE and all of them work.
I also checked the ATOM Feed for one of the reports in the Folder list using Firefox and got the following error message:
RDS-ERR-1022 The request received by Report Data Service is not valid.
Any help would be really appreciated..
Hi Aash
Have installed the "Go! Dashboard Resources" and "Thumbnail Service" on top of the existing BI install as well ? I had that
error when accessing the Toolbox and resolved it by installing the 2 components above onto the BI part.
Hi kolonell,
Thanks for the tip on setting java_home before installing the service. The install guide is misleading when it says the java_home variable only needs to be set in either a distributed install or when not installed in the cognos8 folder. My server isn't distributed, and it is installed to the cognos8 directory, so I assumed this step wasn't needed. After setting java_home, the service starts without problems.
For my firewall problem, the URL I'm trying is: http://y2:8090/cognos/dashboard/html . In my CAF settings, I have "y2" under valid domains. When that didn't work, I also tried "y2:8090" but I get the same result. I placed a support call to Cognos and they sent me a "Troubleshooting GO! Dashboard Companion Guide" PDF which I'm still digesting.
Thanks for your help!
hmm .... hostname:portnumber (y2:8090) is the correct entry in the valid domains section. I would say check that you haven't specified any other host name in the file or make sure you have recycled the service ;-)
Thx for the tip .. I 'll log a SR as well then to get my hands on that guide !! Let's hope it's better than the install guide ...
I've reviewed the file and it looks ok, as far as I can tell. I've also recycled the service several times :)
I tried turning off the firewall and restarting the service and dashboard opens up ok... but that's not a fix either. I'll just wait to see what support has to say.
The companion guide is useful, and goes into more detail about the inner workings of dashboard, but sometimes it contradicts the install guide. Hopefully the next version of dashboard has a smoother install.
Yes, there is a lot of opportunity in improving the install seeing it's almost non existing now in some way.
Got the document myself now as well from "Tech talk insider" but can't see what you mean that it contradicts the install Guide? I would
say it ought to be the install guide in the first place ;-)
For example, The install on page 15 says "Type build.bat and press Enter".
In the companion on page 15 is says, "The build.bat file must be modified to point to the IBM Cognos 8 location in order for the bat file to work".
So, should I just run it, or must I modify it first?
Also, the install guide says java_home only needs to be set under certain circumstances where the companion says to set it if not set already. As I found out, the companion is more correct in that instance.
All things considered, it's still better than the install guide! :D
Ah ok, I see what you mean. :-)
I istalled the cognos Go dashboard but when I drag and drop the Cgonos Navigator from the toolbox I am not getting the icons. I am getting all the content from the Cognos connection like publec folder and my folder but not getting the icon , any idea?
Struggling to get this going, and as others have suggested, manual and install leave a bit to be desired.
We have a multi server Cognos 8 install (sepearte web server), and I'm struggling to understand if Dashboard is imply installed on the Application server or wether it needs a gateway component also installed.
I don't understand what WEB.GATEWAY_URI should be set to as the ../dashboard/html/ directory in the example does not exist anywhere.
Quote from: kyle556 on 10 Dec 2008 01:04:22 PM
Hi kolonell,
Thanks for the tip on setting java_home before installing the service. The install guide is misleading when it says the java_home variable only needs to be set in either a distributed install or when not installed in the cognos8 folder. My server isn't distributed, and it is installed to the cognos8 directory, so I assumed this step wasn't needed. After setting java_home, the service starts without problems.
For my firewall problem, the URL I'm trying is: http://y2:8090/cognos/dashboard/html . In my CAF settings, I have "y2" under valid domains. When that didn't work, I also tried "y2:8090" but I get the same result. I placed a support call to Cognos and they sent me a "Troubleshooting GO! Dashboard Companion Guide" PDF which I'm still digesting.
Thanks for your help!
Hi,kyle556, Can I have a copy of your Companion Guide?
Thanks a bunch and best regards!
I've started the IBMCognos8GoDashboard service. And now I'm trying to run the build file, but I failed every time. The error message is : The system cannot find the path specified.
Is there anyone who came across the same problem?
I wonder if it has something to do with the file.
But how to update the file? The installation guide doesn't make it clear.
Is there anyone who have resolved this problem can give me some hints?
Hi Jessy
You'll need to update the build.bat file. I don't have it handy at the moment but from the top of my head
you'll need to set the path to the java installation folder. Maybe post the contents of your file if you modified it
already. But generally the Error you get means that something is incorrect as the java.exe can't be found.
Hi Jessy,
Below is an extract from the companion guide. As someone mentioned earlier it's available from the cognos site from the tech talk insider area. The below instructions are valid if the dashboard software is installed on the Cognos 8 server.
Modifying the file
The file is used IBM Cognos 8 GO! Dashboard as a
configuration file. This file will contain such information as context_root,
war/ear file name and the IBM Cognos 8 dispatcher URI.
1. Go to the ..\cognos_8_install\war\dashboard location
2. Open up the file.
The following 2 parameters define the context path that the application
and Cognos 8 will reference. Any changes to these parameters will also
require an update to the WEB.GATEWAY_URI. The WEB.GATEWAY_URI
will be discussed later on in this document.
a) context_root=/cognos
b) dist_path=./dashboard
This defines the name of the war file that is created later in this section.
a) ear_name=dashboard.ear
b) war_name=dashboard.war
3. Change the following parameters to match your IBM Cognos 8
a) c8_dispatch=http://localhost:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch
b) c8_gateway=http://localhost:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi
c) c8_webcontent=http://localhost:80/cognos8
If needed, reference the table below to obtain the IBM Cognos
Configuration equivalent attribute name.
IBM Cognos Configuration Dashboard.Properties
Gateway URI c8_gateway
External Dispatcher URI c8_dispatch
None c8_webcontent
Save the file if there have been any modifications
Quote from: kolonell on 22 Dec 2008 08:33:57 AM
Hi Jessy
You'll need to update the build.bat file. I don't have it handy at the moment but from the top of my head
you'll need to set the path to the java installation folder. Maybe post the contents of your file if you modified it
already. But generally the Error you get means that something is incorrect as the java.exe can't be found.
I'm glad to see your reply.
Thanks a bunch to you and funkigreendog. Thank you so much.
You really remind me! I've never thought about modifying build.bat.
Following your advice, I checked the file: its content is
@echo off
..\..\bin\jre\1.5.0\bin\java -classpath "../../bin/ant.jar;../../bin/xml-apis.jar;../../bin/xercesImpl.jar" %*
but there is no jre folder in the bin folder. So I copied it from the C disk and ran the build.bat, I was noticed "Exception in thread 'main' java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/Main"
Then I copied ant.jar from c disk to the installation folder.
Eventually it works!
I'm testing the steps followed.
Thanks again.
Hi Jessy
Good to hear you got it to build eventually. What I prefer to do myself is to modify the location the build.bat is referencing (instead of copying it like you did). But if the building succeeds I guess all is well ;-) i would have just modified the "../../" sections in the file to reference the absolute path of a sun java install.
Hi kolonell
You are so brilliant! It's really a good idea to modify the location, easier than my solution.
As you know, I have built and deployed the war file , also I have logged on to the dashboard website, but it's blank in the toolbox. When I clicked on the menus, some 'undefined' alert messagebox appeared. I wonder if you have met this problem before, how to deal with it .
Many thanks!
hmm .. sorry to say that but haven't encountered this one yet ;-)
Do you mind posting the contents of your file ? I suspect something is wrong with the communication between Cognos 8 BI and the Dashboard servlets.
Where did you install Go! dashboard ? in the same folder as your existing Cognos 8 or a different one ?
By the way .. Merry Christmas to all.
Hi, kolonell
First of all, Merry Christmas to you and everybody!
At the installation time, I tried to install Go! Dashboard in the same folder as Cognos 8, i.e. C:\Program Files\Cognos\c8, but I was notified that I can't install dashboard there, so I changed the directory to D:\Program Files\Cognos\c8.
The contents of my are as follows:
I left most of them as default.
The website of dashboard is :http://localhost:8088/cognos/dashboard/html
Pls help to find if there is anything wrong.
Thanks and best regards!
Can't see anything "wrong" but I would suggest the change localhost references to the servername as you'll have issues if it's accessed from another PC (which might be what you are doing at the moment). You'll have to rebuild the war file and redeploy for the changes to take effect.
Also verify that you can access C8 through the following URI : http://<server name>:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi
What do you mean with "I was notified that I can't install dashboard there" ? Was it the product that prompted you or other reasons ? I ask this
because there are 2 components that need to be installed on top of the existing C8 ("Go! Dashboard Resources" and "Thumbnail service")
Hi, kolonell
Thanks for your kind help.Sorry to reply late.Need I change all the localhost to my IP address? I have changed those related to dashboard, but it doesn't work. I still see 'undefined' messagebox ???
As for the "I was notified that I can't install dashboard there", it's the product that notified me. So I installed dashboard to D disk together with "Go! Dashboard Resources" and "Thumbnail service", but I can't see how these two services work.
Another question is that I can't see Go!Dashboard in IBM Cognos Administration/Security/Capabilities. I've no idea about this situation.
Hi Jessy
Not sure why they don't show up... Can you check you actually have Cognos 8.4 BI installed on the C drive? That is the only reason I can think of why it doesn't allow you to install on the top
Yes, I surely have installed Cognos 8.4 BI on the C drive.
Does this have anything to do with the Go! Dashboard?
This is one heck of an annoying tool to install....
I've been following the installation guide, but their guide is very very misleading.
Anyway, I've the dashboard service up and running, but I still have that PRS-PRH-0250 error message.
Another problem that I encounter is that Once I click on the New Dashboard icon toolbox, it will then bring me to authentication page again (without any images/colours) as it it's pointing to a new dispatcher...
Basically what happen is that once I click on the New Dashboard icon, the URL will change from Http://webserver/cognos8 to Http://appserver/cognos8 where the dashboard server is installed.
The most annoying bit is that not only it doesnt recognise the existing SSO that i've setup, but if I click the "Home" icon, it will not bring me to the webserver, but to the appserver instead....
Hi Joseph,
I wholeheartedly concur that this is one annoying install!!!
I also have the same issue with the second authentication screen popping up once "new dashboard" is clicked. I have raised a Cognos case and they have confirmed that there is a bug whereby dashboard won't work whilst SSO is turned on. I find it quite suprising that this would be the case, as I would have thought a large number of users would be using SSO and have come across this problem.
Anyway for what it's worth this is the response from Cognos. Feel free to reference the number below if raising a Cognos call:
"We have discovered that there is a product issue with GO Dashboard when using single signon and NTLM security configuration.
An emergency development ticket has been raised under reference 615600. Work has already commenced on resolving this issue. This service request is directly associated with that development work, so we will be updated as work progresses."
Quote from: Jessy on 23 Dec 2008 08:22:49 PM
When I clicked on the menus, some 'undefined' alert messagebox appeared. I wonder if you have met this problem before, how to deal with it .
Many thanks!
Hi Jessy
You might want to check you have MSXML6 installed on every PC that will access Go! Dashboard. Due to a Bug
in IE this version of MSXML is required. If you try using Firefox you should see that Go! Dashboard works fine.
Sorry to interrupt the post but I have similar problem.
I have successfully installed Go! Dashboard. I can access Go! Dashboard application and on the left side of the screen I see all Cognos 8 content but when I click on Toolbox an error message appears: PRS-PRH-0250 The target server returned an HTTP error code.
I had one case before where the same thing happened but that was solved by changing Regional setting from Croatian to English (United States) and I've done it now but this time it didn't helped.
The difference from the first and this case is that first one was installation of all components on one computer and this time it's distributed installation.
Does the other computer needs to have the same regional settings?
Can you help?
Thank you!
Quote from: josepherwin on 01 Jan 2009 06:54:35 PM
This is one heck of an annoying tool to install....
I've been following the installation guide, but their guide is very very misleading.
Anyway, I've the dashboard service up and running, but I still have that PRS-PRH-0250 error message.
Another problem that I encounter is that Once I click on the New Dashboard icon toolbox, it will then bring me to authentication page again (without any images/colours) as it it's pointing to a new dispatcher...
Basically what happen is that once I click on the New Dashboard icon, the URL will change from Http://webserver/cognos8 to Http://appserver/cognos8 where the dashboard server is installed.
The most annoying bit is that not only it doesnt recognise the existing SSO that i've setup, but if I click the "Home" icon, it will not bring me to the webserver, but to the appserver instead....
I'm wondering if the above was ever resolved? I'm having basically the same exact issue that I've bolded above. I'm at my wit's end here.
That is normal ... Go! Dashboard is kind of a layer on top of BI and to resolve XSS vulnerabilities it's not as simple as just redirecting and "injecting" all the correct parameters. That'd be a Major security concern in my opinion. That's why they implemented the "Proxy" approach.
All of that is documented in the "Go! Dashboard companion guide" by the way. If you read through that , It'll answer most of your questions (at least it did for me) ;-)
Hope this helps
Quote from: kolonell on 11 Feb 2009 12:27:19 PM
That is normal ... Go! Dashboard is kind of a layer on top of BI and to resolve XSS vulnerabilities it's not as simple as just redirecting and "injecting" all the correct parameters. That'd be a Major security concern in my opinion. That's why they implemented the "Proxy" approach.
All of that is documented in the "Go! Dashboard companion guide" by the way. If you read through that , It'll answer most of your questions (at least it did for me) ;-)
Hope this helps
thanks for the input, kolonell. i will definitely check out the companion guide.
i disagree, however, that what is shown in the attached screenshots are normal operation...
btw, where can i get the companion guide? i can't seem to find it online.
ah I see now .. missing pictures is indeed not normal ;-) the URL thingy however is. Do you mind posting the (anonymised) file ?
go_broken ;-) good one !
Quote from: kolonell on 11 Feb 2009 05:14:25 PM
ah I see now .. missing pictures is indeed not normal ;-) the URL thingy however is. Do you mind posting the (anonymised) file ?
go_broken ;-) good one !
sure can do..
# IBM Cognos Go! Dashboard WAR/EAR deployment properties
# context_root - Specify the context root for ear file
# dist_path - Specify where all the deployment files will be generated.
# This folder is relative to the top IBM Cognos 8's root install
# directory.
# ear_name - Specify the ear file name, will be saved in "dist_path" folder.
# war_name - Specify the war file name, will be saved in "dist_path" folder.
# IBM Cognos Go! Dashboard configuration properties
# c8_dispatch - Set this property with the value specified in either the Internal
# Dispatcher URI or External dispatcher URI Environment setting in
# IBM Cognos Configuration.
# c8_gateway - Set this property with the value specified in the Gateway URI
# Environment setting in IBM Cognos Configuration.
# c8_webcontent - Based on "c8_gateway" above, set this property with the value
# specified as the Web Server's virtual directory value for
# Cognos 8 web content.
i did open a support call with cognos yesterday. they were able to reproduce the problem and are working on a solution. hopefully i will hear something today.
I just realized that I'm also getting an "PRS-PRH-0250 The target server returned an HTTP error code." error message when I try to expand any item.
All Go! Dashboard components appear to be installed in the right location. I did reinstall to be sure.
Hi again
I am wondering ... maybe try and copy over the webcontent folder from the BI machine to the Go Dashboard webapps folder
Quote from: kolonell on 12 Feb 2009 05:13:33 PM
Hi again
I am wondering ... maybe try and copy over the webcontent folder from the BI machine to the Go Dashboard webapps folder
i can definitely try that. i'm not sure which folder to copy to though.
would it be:
C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\tomcat6.0.14\webapps
yes, under that folder there should be (if I remember correctly) a folder cognos/. I would copy the contents in there
thanks for all the suggestions, kolonell. :)
it looks like i figured it out. it actually turned out to be a server configuration issue, which is what i had suspected in the first place.
i decided to look up the 401.2 error, which is "Unauthorized: Access is denied due to server configuration."
reading the details on the error here,, it started to make sense that it was something to do with tomcat trying to communicate with IIS (my best guess anyway).
so i enabled anonymous access to IIS and voila, everything started coming up.
now i just need to see what the implications are of having anonymous access enabled in this environment.
again, thanks for your help.
good to hear .. The only issue with Anonymous Access (for BI) is that SSO might stop working.
I have worked with Cognos for years but this is the most ridiculous configuration I have gone through.
I cannot believe Cognos would release this tool with a setup like this.
Cognos amazes me on a daily basis. Not in a good way anymore.
hi thanks for providing initial steps my friend kolonnell
how to install and config cognos 8.4 go dashboard
this is susan lee i really be thank full to you for solution
regards susan lee
Quote from: mmartins on 11 Feb 2009 07:29:29 AM
I'm wondering if the above was ever resolved? I'm having basically the same exact issue that I've bolded above. I'm at my wit's end here.
I had same issues
on the server where content manager is installed click actions and select Edit Global Configuration
then General Tab > under Cookie Settings> for the path Enter /
restart the server, no more prompts to re logon
Thank You for mentionning the Companion Guide. It helped a lot. Still have an issue as to, once in Go! Dashboard and returning to Cognos Connection, the icons and presentation windows is all wrong. Will open a case and see what they say.
Also i have SSO setup and i have no issue (other than the one mentionned above). Are you sure that you have added you server adrs in the "Local Sites" in IE.
thanks again
If you turn on SSO in Cognos 8.4 you get the following error: "PRS-PRH-0250 The target server returned an HTTP error code." when trying to view report objects (lists,crosstab,charts,etc.) in Go Dashboard. When SSO is turned off you can see the objects. Supposedly this is fixed in Cognos 8.4 MR 1 that should be out soon.
You are not getting the icons because there is a bug in IE...
We had horrendous problems installing this...
You need to chase up cognos support...
Dont lose pateince...Cognos is real bad...No testing of install docs!!! This was horrific for me as well
There are 2 Bugs ...1 with IE6 (You need a .NET Patch Check the know issues in the install doc)
The other bug is in the Cognos software...You need to install SP1 fix...It should then be okay...
Basically I had to install in a separate location on the web server (a new web Site)
Get help from Cognos Support...You struggle on your own
I had this issue.. Heres are the responses from Cognos..
The Cognos GO Dashboard application is not supported or compatible with 8.4 FCS, so in order to install and setup correctly GO Dashboard you will need to have an 8.4 GA install.
I have also attached an excellent Proven Practice document for your reference:
IBM Cognos 8 GO! Dashboard Companion Guide!_dashboard_installation_and_troubleshooting.pdf?lid=cognos_pp_infrastructure_ibm_cognos_8_go!_dashboard_installation_and_troubleshooting
Hi John,
the problem is caused by the fatc that the JAVA_HOME variable is not set properly.
It should be set to: set JAVA_HOME=<path_to_java1.5_jre>
where <path_to_java1.5_jre> should be substituted with the location of the JRE 1.5 and not the actual literal:
i.e. set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\cognos\C84GA\bin\jre\1.5.0
If I recall correctly your 8.4 installation is on the D drive so the JAVA_HOME variable should be something like:
set JAVA_HOME=D:\Program Files\cognos\cognos84\bin\jre\1.5.0
Hi John,
the issue you are encountering is caused by a known problem of Go Dashboard:
Problem: 617454.0
Title: Kerberos with AD generates PRS-PRH-0250 error in select content
The issue is marked as fixed in SP1 of GO Dashboard, however this Service Pack has not yet been released.
There is workaround however which you could implement:
Here´s what you need to do to fix the issues:
1. You will need to create a new virtual directory by using the the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. Let´s call it c8godb for now. This virtual directory points to the same Cognos 8 webcontent (read access) as the normal "cognos8" virtual directory. Create also the cgi-bin virtual directory (execute access) too.
2. Make sure this new virtual directory has the following:
anonymous access is enabled
3. You can test if this configuration works, from the Go!DB server box, by opening its browser to http://host/c8godb.
4. Now, edit the <install>/war/dashboard/ file and change "/cognos8" (or whichever setting you had applied) to "/c8godb" for both c8_gateway and c8_webcontent
5. Rebuild the WAR file again
6. Re-deploy to Tomcat 6 again
Hi John,
thank you for the update.
The workaround should still work after the Service Pack is applied as you are implementing two different Virtual Directories. However, please be aware that it is a workaround so it should not be considered a full solution, therefore it would be better to switch back to the normal settings when the Service Pack is applied.
Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this issue. In the meantime I will change the status of this Service Request to 'Product Issue Created'.
Hi John,
the "cognosgodb" Virtual Directory needs to be created at the same level as all your other Cognos Virtual Directories under Default Webiste and not under the Cognos 8.4 Virtual Directory. Basically, in order to implement the workaround you will have to create the same structure as the original cognos 8.4 virtual directory; so you will have also the cgi-bin under the new "cognosgodb".
This IIS was setup by cognos support before the SP1 patch
I am attempting to install IBM Cognos 8 Go! Dashboard in my new Cognos BI 8.4 server environment. I have read this thread and tried everything and nothing seems to be working. I'm also trying to obtain the Dashboard Companion Document but can't seem to find it on IBM's site.
Anyway, I have a distributed install of 8.4; Gateway and Dispatcher on W2k3 64bit O/S and the Content Manager on W2k3 32bit O/S (we are still on Series 7 Sun One authentication). I install the Thumbnail Service and Go! Dashboard Resources on the Content Manager and Gateway servers and ALL services on the Dispatcher. After the install I modified the Tomcat server.xml to change the port from 8080 to 8081. Initially, I left everything else alone figuring that the other configuration files would pick up the settings from the IBM Configuration and Cognos Configuration. NO JOY! I then modified the file to match my settings in IBM Configuration and ensured that I included the Parameter: WEB.GATEWAY_URI was set to "http://<server name>:8081/cognos/dashboard/html/"
Long story short...none of this has worked.
Can someone that has successfully setup this application assist me with the configuration of this application? TIA
I have two instances of Go! Dashboard up and running. One instance runs perfectly fine.
The second instance won't allow report components to be added to a dashboard. When they are dropped in place, the screen portal goes all white. This happens with every report I try. I can add an entire report, but in doing so I lose a lot of the Go! Dashboard functionality.
When I look at the logs I get the following error message repeatedly:
DPR-DPR-1035 Dispatcher detected an error SOAPAction http: does not map to any known service.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hello everyone,
I hope you can help me ..
I have a problem when you start GoDashboard and do not know what I can do ..
Tomcat is running properly, the service is set to port 8082, all the steps for proper installation have been followed to the letter, but when the page loads http://localhost/8082/cognos/dashboard/html, the return message
Connection refused: connect
Can you help?
Thank you!
I know this topic is now quite old, but we're just getting around to installing Cognos 8.4 MR1, and Go ! Dashboard. I used this topic to navigate my way through the JAVA_HOME issues, and I can start the service and even create dashboards. My problem is similar to the one posted by cognos84 on the bottom of the first page - whenever I drag anything into (say) a navigator window, I do not get any of the icon pictures. The alternate text is there, so I can figure out which one is which, but no icons.
I trawled through the other responses, and couldn't see anything that was relevant to cognos84's question. Has anyone else seen this and overcome it?
hi all..
I got this software up and run well..
I install cognos 8.4 windows 32 bit in windows 2003 server 64bit.
my spec:
os->win server 2003 64bit
cognos-> server 32bit
computer name cognosdev
The step that I did :
1. Install cognos BI 8.4 server win 32bit
2. Install cognos BI8.4 modeling
3. Install and configure IIS
4. Test Cognos BI 8.4 (opened http://localhost/cognos8)
5. Install cognos 8.4 fix pack 1
6. Setting JAVA_HOME at environment variable to c:\Program files <x86>\cognos\c8\bin\jre\1.5.0
7. Stop Cognos Service
8. Setting CAF at IBM Cognos Configuration
- Open IBM Cognos Configuration
- Choose cognos application firewall
- put mymachinename:80, exmp-> cognosdev:80
- save and run the cognos service
8. Setting WEB.GATEWAY
- go to localhost/cognos8
- cognos administration
- Click Configuration tab, Dispatchers and Services option and then
click the Set properties button
- Click the dispatcher name (cognosdev:9300/p2pd)
- search presentation service and click setting
- u will see advance setting and choose edit (in the right)
- plz checked the override so you can put WEB.GATEWAY_URI in
parameter and for the value put
Ex. http://cognosdev:80/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi/gdb/cognos8/dashboard/html
The first cognos8 is a virtual directory in IIS
The other one (the last cognos8) is context_root in
(we will see later)
- Check the box beside WEB_GATEWAY.URI
- click Ok
- clik edit again to check the WEB_GATEWAY.URI have a value
9. Install cognos go dashboard win 32bit
10. Install cognos go dashboard fixpack 1
11. Go to the <c8_path>/war/dashboard location
12. Open up the and change setting
- I change the app_name from cognos to cognos8
- because context_root has a syntax context_root=/${app_name}
so context_root will have cognos8 as the value (don't change anything in context_root)
- change all localhost with your computer name
I change to cognosdev
- Save it.
13. open command window
14. Go to the <C8_PATH>/dashboard/bin
15. write service.bat install
(if the installation successfull you can see IBMCognos8GoDashboard in services)
16. write net start IBMCognos8GoDashboard
17. go to the tomcat with IE (http://Localhost:9301)
- the port setting is in so if you want change the port you must edit the
- choose tomcat manager (user:system & password:manager)
18. click the cognos8 (wait and check,is it run well)
if run well you can go to next step but if wrong try to check and stop go dashboard service
uninstall service.bat (service.bat uninstall -> write this in cmd like when we want install the service)
19. stop all cognos service
20. start all cognos service
hope can help you to install go dashboard..^^
hi all cognos gurus...
i have a problem with cognos go dashboard when i use a report that have drill through definition (simple drill through not portlet to portlet,just one cognos viewer) and i click the bar chart, cognos will give a error message about CAF Validation Rejection.
error message
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <!-- Copyright (C) 2008 Cognos ULC, an IBM Company. All rights reserved. --> <!-- Cognos (R) is a trademark of Cognos ULC, (formerly Cognos Incorporated). --> <HEAD> <TITLE>Error - IBM Cognos 8</TITLE> </HEAD> <!-- <ERROR_COMPONENT>p2pd</ERROR_COMPONENT> <ERROR_CODE>CAF_VALIDATION_FAILURE</ERROR_CODE> <ERROR_MSG>DPR-ERR-2079 Firewall Security Rejection. Your request was rejected by the security firewall.</ERROR_MSG> <ERROR_DETAILS>${details}</ERROR_DETAILS> --> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" link="#000099" vlink="#000099" alink="#000099" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top" width="100%"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="left"> <tr> <td height="22" colspan="1" align="LEFT" valign="TOP" bgcolor="#666699" width="662"> </td> <td height="22" align="right" valign="TOP" bgcolor="#666699" width="74"><font face="arial,helvetica,geneva,sans-serif" size="2"></font></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="3" valign="TOP" colspan="2"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="TOP" bgcolor="#000000" width="100%"><img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/space.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="TOP" bgcolor="#999999" width="100%"><img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/space.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0"></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="TOP" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" width="100%"><img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/space.gif" width="1" height="1" border="0"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="28" colspan="2"><font size="3" color="#990000" face="Arial, Helvetica"><font color="#666699">IBM Cognos 8<span class="dialogue"></span></font></font></td> </tr> </table> </tr> <tr><td valign="top" width="100%"></td></tr> <tr><td align=left width="100%"><font face="Arial, Geneva, Helvetiva, sans-serif" size=2> An error has occurred.</font></td></tr> </table> <form name="myError"> <Table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%> <tr> <td colspan=3 width=100%><img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/space.gif" width="1" height="15" border="0" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=10><img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/space.gif" width="10" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td> <td valign=top align=left width=46> <img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/dialog_error.gif" width=36 height=36 border=0 alt=""> <img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/space.gif" width="10" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td> <td valign=top align=left width=100%><font face="arial,helvetica,geneva,sans-serif" size="2">DPR-ERR-2079 Firewall Security Rejection. Your request was rejected by the security firewall.</font> <!-- --> <!-- --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3 width=100%><img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/space.gif" width="1" height="15" border="0" alt=""></td> </tr> <tr> <td width=10><img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/space.gif" width="10" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td> <td valign=top align=left><img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/space.gif" width="10" height="1" border="0" alt=""></td> <!-- --> <!-- --> <td valign=top align=left width=100%><font face="arial,helvetica,geneva,sans-serif" size="2">CAF rejection details are available in the log. Please contact your administrator.</font></td> <!-- --> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3 width=100%><img src="/cognos8/cps4/portlets/nav/images/space.gif" width="1" height="15" border="0" alt=""></td> </tr> </table> <table border=0 bgcolor="silver" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width="100%"> <tr valign=top> <td align=left bgcolor="#9999CC"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </BODY> </HTML>
I recently installed fix pack 2 to our 8.4 installation and had to run through the setup and configuration for Go! Dashboard again. I don't know if this has been posted in this thread, but it helped me get Go! D up and running quickly, so I figured it may help someone out there...
Hopefully the link doesn't go dead. This is the companion guide for configuring Go! D after FP1/FP2 has been installed:
Does anyone have already run Go Dashboard under WebSphere 6.1 ?
I set file with my default values; I remained all values except the following:
- tomcat_port: 9081 (this is my WAS default port number)
- c8_dispatch: http://myserver:9081/p2pd/servlet/disatch
- c8_gateway: http://myserver:8080/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi --> run OK and I'm working on it. 8080 is my default port under HTTPServer (httpd.conf file)
- c8_webcontent: http://myserver:8080/cognos8
I set the WEB.GATEWAY_URI parameter (Set advanced settings - Configuration) with the value http://myserver:8080/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognos.cgi/gdb/cognos/dashboard/html
Well, in fact I followed all steps of the InfoCenter "Configure IBM Cognos 8 Go! Dashboard to Run on IBM WebSphere Application Server"
My problem is when I click the "New Dashboard" icon in Cognos Connection nothing appears. The message is like if the page does not exist. "The website cannot display the page - HTTP 500"
Do I have to create a virtual directory or host in httpd.conf file ?
Any suggestions on how to resolve this?