Does anyone know if this is a bug or just how the app works, but if I am in contributor and enter in annotations into the d-cube and then synchronize with analyst (because I needed to add an item to a d-list) and then GTP I lose the annotation I entered.
However, if I just make some changes in contributor administration and then GTP I don't lose the annotations.
So the questions are:
1) Is this normal? If no, how do I avoid this from happening?
2) Is there anyway I can retrieve annotations that I have lost?
Its not normal. did you check bugs list of your version or fix list of next one?
If you have published annotations, than you can get it in AN_ tables.
I don't know where the bugs list is of version 8.2 and I am not sure when we are moving to version 8.4 (probably not until 3rd Qtr 2009).
Any thoughts on where I can find a bugs list for 8.2 and a fix list for more recent versions?