While trying to set up audit in 8.3 on a windows server I hit a HTTP Status 404 error
I have followed step by step the Cognos document " Auditing in Cognos 8"
In the Building and deploying the DS Servlet stage I edited the web.xml file as directed
Created the following directory on the Cognos 8 server <c8_install>/webapps/p2pd/web-inf/classes/com/cogn os/demo
I copied the build.bat and DSServlet.java files to the demo folder
Edited the build.bat file:
set JAVA_HOME= C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_10
set CRN_HOME= e:/Program Files/cognos/c83_uat
Uncommented line 45 as stipulated in document
At command prompt, ran build.bat which created a DSServlet.class file to create Java class file
Restarted the Cognos 8 service
Tested the DS Servlet
Error message in browser was -
HTTP Status 404 - /cognos/dsservlet.jsp
type Status report
message /cognos/dsservlet.jsp
description The requested resource (/cognos/dsservlet.jsp) is not available.
Please advice >:(
It sounds like it is looking in your base install directory "cognos" instead of your demo directory "demo?". Have you tried copying the jsp files there?
Please disregard my last statement if this doesn't erase it.