hello to everybody :)
does anybody know how to set a section into a graphic?
ciao ciao
Without having more details, one way is to create a section in a list, then remove the underlying list and insert a chart in there. With master-detail relationship, it will section for the sectioned item.
thanks to be so fast to answer...
well...more detail:
for example i have this list:
continent nation gdp
africa angola 10
africa namibia 20
europe italy -30 ( :O) this is the real situation in my country )
europe france 30
i want:
section: africa
graphic: x axis= angola namibia
section: europe
graphic: x axis= italy france
i want to try with your hint.
thanks thanks
Shouldn't be a problem.
You can do this in two ways:
1. Create Section on continent.
Then insert a graph in place of the list (remove the second list if it appears there)
2. By creating a page break on continent if it is okay to have one graph per page.