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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: pooja on 17 Nov 2008 02:40:29 PM

Title: optional prompt page
Post by: pooja on 17 Nov 2008 02:40:29 PM
we have SORTING propmt page
but everytime we have to select atleast one value to runthe report........

Is there any way that we can make the sorting prompt to Optional  so that we can run the report directly..................

I thak you for any response

Title: Re: optional prompt page
Post by: lindero on 18 Nov 2008 06:42:01 AM
try query macro prompts in the data item. search for query macro in FrameworkManager documentation.

try this in your sorting data item:

Select value within your list:
Framework Manager reference to the related query item, something like [GO Sales].[Product].[Product Line Code].
