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General Discussion => General Discussion & Gossip => Topic started by: robinsks on 13 Nov 2008 03:38:44 AM

Title: letting users select columns fom a value prompt and add them to a list
Post by: robinsks on 13 Nov 2008 03:38:44 AM

Another difficult one. Can please help

After creating a target report containing a list (and columns) by sending several parameters to the report from the main report using a drillthrough. Is it possible on that target report to enable users to select additional columns from a value prompt and add them to the list.

Thanks in anticipation.

Title: Re: letting users select columns fom a value prompt and add them to a list
Post by: mrobby on 21 Apr 2009 06:34:50 PM
use a prompt macro.

Type is generaly 'Token', 'String', etc.

#promptmany('<parameter>','<type>','<Default Value>')#