Hi ,
I just changed a saved selection from one e-list item to another - moved department 680 from elist A to B. Then I did the GTP. I found the data in department 680 lost when I went in to web after the GTP. Is there any particular reason why it should do that?
What do you mean by saved selection? Saved selection indicates analyst but gtp contributor. Do you mean access table with default access no data. If so did you apply no data to elist A before you moved the data?
No, I think arun means the saved selections in the admin console.
@Arun: Sorry but this is all I understood from your question. To get answers you need to be more detailled and ask precise questions.
Saved selections in Contributor. Saved selections are being used by Access Tables. I lost data when I changed the department 680 from one saved selection to the other. The data in department 680 before the change was lost post change & GTP. I hope this clarifies the issue.
It seems to be that saved selections in contributor are not very popular. Is that true?
I think modifying saved selection (the way described above) should not result into the loss of data.
did u use it for NO DATA access table? (why dont you attach your saved selection info and access table exported file)
Quote from: adityashah27 on 13 Nov 2008 10:20:25 PM
did u use it for NO DATA access table?
That what I guess (which is btw a good thing if you use it in the right place/way).
I wouldn't see saved selections to be unpopular. I use them regularly e.g. for setting all hierarchy levels from a dList (e.g. product or cost centers) read only.
Sorry, last post before my three weeks holidays 8)
Hi Adityashah27,
Yes, you are right I found out the problem. I lost data because I had the No Data in the Access tables. The No Data changed when I changed the saved selection resulting in loss of data.
Thank you,