does anybody know how to sort a time hierarchy? I should to do this in FM?
thanks very much
Do you mean the member of a hierarchie level? Do you model DMR?
IMHO, there is no way to sort members at a level. That is a gap in FM.
yes, i have a dmr... :-\ i know how to sort a hierarchy but the fuctions such as prevMember, next, periodsTodate...don't work in dmr can somebody to confirm me this?
hi Giovanni,
Can you please let me know how to sort a hierarchy/level in DMR? I need it urgently.
thank you in advance.
unbelievably, they only introduced sorting into DMR in 8.4. that what version your on?
Nope. We are using 8.3.
Is there any work around for those versions?
Are you refering to sorting in a tree prompt or just a member set in a crosstab?
It is possible to use the order() function and get Ok results in a cross tab, but there is no member sorting in a tree prompt until 8.4.
The you can use functions such as nextmember() etc and get the correct member otherwise the members are often in inconsistant order.