Hi ,
I am trying to install Cognos EP 8.3 in a Laptop(Windows XP). I feel that I should choose the Active directory as type for the New Resource in the Security -Authentication in the explorer window of the Configuration Manager but what should be the parameters for that option - namespace ID,Binding credentials,time out in seconds,size limit,advanced properties etc. Should the environment also refer to the same namespace name?
Any help particularly from Sascha, Adityashah27,Jan. Herout or Ykud will be higly appreciated.
Thank you,
Hi Arun,
this doc (http://support.cognos.com/supported/docs/en/html/cognos8_bi/8.3/inst_cr_winux_id13700ConfiguringCognos8ComponentstoUseActiveDirectory.html) might help you:
If there is no AD installed on your system and you just want to use it as test or demo system I would suggest using NT security.
Hi Sascha,
Thanks for the URL. I have already seen the document. It did not quite help.
Can you elaborate on the NT security that you mentioned? Yes, this is for test/demo purpose on my Laptop and the OS is windows XP.
choose security providor "NTLM" in cognoso configuration, and you can then work with users created locally on your XP machine.
Thanks to dutchcogtechie & Sascha for the help. It works.