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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: JZicco on 07 Nov 2008 04:20:46 PM

Title: Dashboard Question
Post by: JZicco on 07 Nov 2008 04:20:46 PM

I am new to Cognos and have been asked to create a dashboard page containing 4 portlets...  Each of these portlets should pull their data from a common list report I have already created.  On this dashboard, I'd like to include a value prompt that would globally filter the data in the portlets.

If this is possible, could someone please tell me how I would go about setting this up?  I have created the list and the dashboard page, I'm just not sure how to populate the portlets from the report.

Title: Re: Dashboard Question
Post by: JZicco on 11 Nov 2008 03:12:38 PM
Should I assume from the lack of replies that this is not possible?
Title: Re: Dashboard Question
Post by: Suraj on 11 Nov 2008 03:25:46 PM
What version are you working on?
8.3 has the functionality for global filters and prompt...

Cognos Connection User Guide
Contents | Index | What’s New? > New Features in Version 8.3 >

Global Filters and Enhanced Portal Interactivity
You can select the dashboard context in the portal with one or more global filters. A global filter may be a prompt, a drill-up or drill-down action, or a report that is based on drill-through content. For example, you can add a prompt control to a portal page to automatically pass the selection to all reports on the page. When a prompt answer is changed, all related reports will refresh accordingly. So, if you answer a country prompt with Brazil, all related reports on the page will be filtered to show the data for Brazil.

When these techniques are used on a tabbed dashboard, the context is passed to all corresponding sections of the dashboard. This functionality allows for a single selection to drive a number of reports at once.

For more information, see Adding Interactivity to Pages and Dashboards.