I am new to Cognos and have been asked to create a dashboard page containing 4 portlets... Each of these portlets should pull their data from a common list report I have already created. On this dashboard, I'd like to include a value prompt that would globally filter the data in the portlets.
If this is possible, could someone please tell me how I would go about setting this up? I have created the list and the dashboard page, I'm just not sure how to populate the portlets from the report.
Should I assume from the lack of replies that this is not possible?
What version are you working on?
8.3 has the functionality for global filters and prompt...
Cognos Connection User Guide
Contents | Index | What’s New? > New Features in Version 8.3 >
Global Filters and Enhanced Portal Interactivity
You can select the dashboard context in the portal with one or more global filters. A global filter may be a prompt, a drill-up or drill-down action, or a report that is based on drill-through content. For example, you can add a prompt control to a portal page to automatically pass the selection to all reports on the page. When a prompt answer is changed, all related reports will refresh accordingly. So, if you answer a country prompt with Brazil, all related reports on the page will be filtered to show the data for Brazil.
When these techniques are used on a tabbed dashboard, the context is passed to all corresponding sections of the dashboard. This functionality allows for a single selection to drive a number of reports at once.
For more information, see Adding Interactivity to Pages and Dashboards.