Hello, dear cognos Guru.
Unfortunately cognos support centre is searching for my service manager, may be anyone can help me with a very small problem.
Error on D cube save.
D cube is not large (70 mln.), unable to save the data after d link run.
The message is attached.
Thank you!
First of all, 70 mln. is really big for Cognos Planning. TM1 would be a better system if you really need this size of cubes. Are you sure there isn't any sparcity around?
Assuming that the settings for the workspace are ok (e.g. 512 mb) can you try building a new dCube with the same dimensionality and check if the problem would also occur in that one?
Hmmmm: )))))
What about no limits for Cognos ???: ))) (There is no software limitation on the number of cells contained in a D-Cube, but there is a hardware limitation that depends on the memory in a computer.)
Actually i am trying to save this model till the end of this year and rebuild it.
I can save the data in the copy of this d cube another area.
A have tested and it works ok.
Quote from: noraneko on 10 Nov 2008 08:18:22 AM
There is no software limitation on the number of cells contained in a D-Cube, but there is a hardware limitation that depends on the memory in a computer.)
Theoretically correct ::).