We are busy with upgrading our Cognos 8.2 installation to Cognos 8.3.
We have a section of code which looks like this:
pickerControldtStartDate = new CDatePicker(document.forms["formWarpRequest"].elements["p_StartDate"], document.forms["formWarpRequest"].elements["_oChoicedtStartDate"], document.forms["formWarpRequest"].elements["_oChoicedtStartDate"], document.getElementById('dialogDatePickerdtStartDate'), 'dtStartDate', '', 1, 0, '',0, 0, '', addMonth(), true, 'XML', document.formWarpRequest.imgTestdtStartDate);
In accordance with Cognos upgrade documentation we've changed to the code to the following:
pickerControldtStartDate = new CDatePicker(getFormWarpRequest().p_StartDate, getFormWarpRequest()._oChoicedtStartDate, getFormWarpRequest()._oChoicedtStartDate, document.getElementById('dialogDatePickerdtStartDate'), 'dtStartDate', '', 1, 0, '',0, 0, '', addMonth(), true, 'XML', getFormWarpRequest().imgTestdtStartDate);
But now we get the following error:
'this.m_oForm' is null or not an object
Have any of you experienced this before? Any ideas?
Yes lots of javascript don't work with 8.3.
there is a documentation at support.cognos.com for some ways to modify some of the javascript calls.
I've already applied the suggestions in the Cognos documentation.