I have to get the actuals into Cognos EP from the Framework Manager model/BI Package provided to me. The Framework Manager model is pointing to the Lawson GL. After I get it into EP I would have to publish the planning data so that it can be pushed back to Lawson GL.
What are the different ways I can achieve this? Can somebody please send me the documentation if there is any providing details of how I can bring in data into EP from a Framework Manager model? I am on 8.3. I will be so grateful.
in 83 you can use Admin Link sourced from package. although i have not used this functionality.
Do you mean the Package can be used as a source in the Admin Link? Is there any thing else that I need to know about it?
For putting your published data back you can't use the adminlink functionality. That means that you need to ETL your published et_tables and their dimension tables.