Hello all,
i have a question about TM1 Web. I exported a cube from tm1 architect to tm1 perspectives. There i integratet excel-vba-functions on the sheets with different effects. After that, i published the application to tm1-web and there is my problem: The vba-functions in the sheets don't work any longer. Do you guys know where my failure is? Or is it not possible to use excel-vba funcions in a published tm1 web application`?
That you in advance!
Not possible
Yep - VBA codes do not flow through to TM1 web - Thats why care needs to be taken when setting up excel sheets that you wish to publish to TM1 web
Excel-vba funcions in a published tm1 web application will not work.
You need to ensure all you requirements before publishing.
So take care, next time.
The answers above are correct - but just to put a bit of explanation on them....
When you publish a workbook to TM1Web, the server renders it into (I believe) XML, using an instance of Excel on the server. But when you open the spreadsheet in TM1Web, Excel is not running, so there is no VBA engine to execute your macros. (Version 8 of TM1 instantiated Excel at runtime but - because of this - performance was dreadful in a production environment.)
A fair number of Excel _formulae_ are supported, and in 9.1 and above, Applix/Cognos introduced Action Buttons, which allow you to do a small but useful set of tasks (run TI processes and/or change sheets). Since it's their code this is supported both in Excel and in TM1Web. However we don't currently recommend 9.1 or higher for production use, albeit our customers thereby miss out in the new, whizzy features, however their servers stay up and work, which they seem to prefer.
Quote from: dusherwo on 09 Jan 2009 08:56:03 AM
However we don't currently recommend 9.1 or higher for production use, albeit our customers thereby miss out in the new, whizzy features, however their servers stay up and work, which they seem to prefer.
May I ask what the issues are with 9.1 and above that keep you from recommending?