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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: WKar on 05 Nov 2008 12:19:15 PM

Title: Data Format - basis points
Post by: WKar on 05 Nov 2008 12:19:15 PM
I am comparing Gross Margin % and want to show it in basis points? How can I get to this?

Title: Re: Data Format - basis points
Post by: DanSev on 05 Nov 2008 01:30:21 PM
Given that your gross margin percent is coming out to a decimal (1 - 100% , .01 - 1%), just multiply the gross margin percent by 100 (std percentage to basis points conversion). - and do not format the data (or format it as a number). You can do this in the data item of gross margin % or create a 'Basis Gross Margin %' which references the gm% and multiplys by 100.
Title: Re: Data Format - basis points
Post by: WKar on 05 Nov 2008 03:31:46 PM
Thank you for your response, so i understand the math to get to the basis points conversion, I guess I was hoping there was an Excel like functionality where basis points can be selected if you want only certain cells to be by basis points.  Here is a clearer picture of the look of the report:  In the same row, I need GM percentage for the actuals amount column and then basis points used for Budget comparision columns.

                         Actuals($)      Budget comparison

Gross Margin %        %                 basis points

How can I get them in the same row?  thx!
Title: Re: Data Format - basis points
Post by: DanSev on 06 Nov 2008 09:19:26 AM
If you make the basis points a seperate data item in addition to the gross margin % data item
(in the query) they can be placed on the same row.

List style

Product |  Actuals ($) | Gross Margin % | Gross Margin Basis

Crosstab Style:

                         Actuals | GM % | GM Basis
Product | P Line
Title: Re: Data Format - basis points
Post by: WKar on 06 Nov 2008 02:27:56 PM
thank you.

It looks like in your examples you put them in the rows and columns next to each other, I am looking for the calculated result row to have % and basis points where you dont see basis points in the rows or columns headers, but in the results.  Thats why I was hoping to just target one row/column intersection and make it do basis points.  Is that possible?
            Actuals  Comparison
Revenue  10        10%
GM %      5%       5 pts

Title: Re: Data Format - basis points
Post by: DanSev on 06 Nov 2008 02:48:02 PM
If you are using a crosstab you can set the Define Contents property of a given cell to 'Yes' in which case you can put whatever you like in it (data item/report expression/cell value/...) This overrides the default calculated values put in all intersections.
Title: Re: Data Format - basis points
Post by: WKar on 06 Nov 2008 05:37:41 PM
Perfect, this is exactly what I need!  So I changed Define Contents to YES, how do I define it to the data item specifically?  I tried to drag and drop the data item on the cell, and it wants to take up the entire Measures box, I only need it for the one cell.

Also, if i want to add text "pts" how would I do that?

Please advise, almost there, thank you!
Title: Re: Data Format - basis points
Post by: DanSev on 07 Nov 2008 07:40:17 AM
Define contents to yes and drag a text box from the insertable objects pane into the cell. Put in some junk value (b/c you'll  change it). Change the text box's source type to data source - the gross margin basis data item. (You need to be unlocked to do this). Add an additional text box before that one with text 'Pts.'.
Title: Re: Data Format - basis points
Post by: WKar on 24 Nov 2008 12:03:16 PM
So, I unlocked it, dragged in a text item, selected the source type as "Data Item Value", then I chose my data item. No value is displaying. Am I missing something?  I pulled a text item for pts, and it shows, but not my numerical value.  I also did a mock up EASY calculation, just to see numbers return.

So there is no calculated result coming through, am i over looking soemthing?

Thanks so much!!!
Title: Re: Data Format - basis points
Post by: WKar on 04 Dec 2008 02:10:49 PM
This is still an issue for me.  Any thoughts on why a value wouldn't return? Is there a setting I need to change or something?

Appreciate the help!