I have Value Prompts on the Prompt Page & the same prompts on the Report Page itself in report studio. I want to be able to export the report in Excel and have the Prompt Selection be Displayed on the Exported Report. How can I do this?
Thanks in Advance
ParamDisplayValue('PromptName') will display prompt value in a report expression.
Ultimately my goal is for the text to display where the prompts were when running the report.
I know with a data item you can put that report expression in the expression box, but what about a value prompt? Do I HAVE to create a data item and place it on the report the only way to accomplish this? Because when it is not exported and just ran with the Cognos Viewer, I dont need it displayed on the report because the prompts are on the page as well.
thanks for your response
It doesn't matter whether you have prompts in your page or not.
As long as there is value selected and submitted in the prompts, ParamDisplayValue('PromptName') displays it.
But you have to have a selection submitted.
It can be a text item as report expression anywhere in the page to display selected value.