Hi all,
I have done migration of reportNet 1.1. to c8. I using Reportstudio 8.3 and
I've this problem, When I try opening one package, sometimes I'm successful
but sometimes the same package not open and show me "Metada not available'.
I can see design of report, query etc but source is blank.
Can anyone help me ?
Did you try to refresh the connection to the package? Right click in the insertable objects pane and click refresh from the menu - that will attempt to reload the connect to the report package.
If you were able to open the package beforehand in c8 it migrated sucessfully. It could be other people doing work, or the server being busy.
Thanks for the answer!
Yes, I'm trying to refresh in the insertable objects,
but it not help me.I looked at performance of server
and server works ok.