Hi All,
I have a source list report in which there is drill through link on "ID" column to target list report.The target list report contains more than 15 list reports across different pages.
Below the source list report there are some prompts selection(Checbox selections and radio button selection) for conditional hidding for target list reports.Those prompts selection in the list report has Static choices based on which the conditional hiding of the target list reports needs to be done.
How can I pass the parameters of the static choices and how do I achieve the conditional rendering of the target list reports.Plz suggest.
Thanx in Advance
You might have to 'reprompt'(refresh) the page after selections were made to the prompt under the target list to make sure the report is holding current values of the prompt in memory, as drillthrough would only have values currently stored in memory - just selecting them doesn't set the values in the report. Make sure all the 'Use Values' of the static choices are unique (do not repeat words). In the drill through report with all the list create a string variable. In the variable use a case statement --- case when ?param_passed? contains ('List1') then ('List1') when ?param_passed? contains ('List2') then ('List2')... Create the string values for the parameter matching up to the strings in the 'then' clauses. Then on each list seperately set the render variable to the variable you just created, and check it only for its matching value.
B/c it is multi-select the parameter passed can have 'list1,'list2' and trigger the clauses for both lists ti display.
Just pass the parameter from the prompt in the origin report in the drillthrough.
I created two sample report ---Source Report which has list with drill through and prompts(checkboxes) below the source report.This prompt has parameter name p_source and static choices use value as L1,L2,L3
Other report ----Target report with 3 lists and also created the same prompts as in the source report and made the visible property of the prompt to No. and parameter name is p_target.
Now in the source report i have set the drill throughs for "ID" column and p_source by selecting pass parameter value from the options.
But now wen i use ParamDisplayValue('p_target') i m not able see the value tht i selected in the source report.Does this mean tht my parameter from static choice of source report is not getting passed to the target report.
Plz suggest me.
Thanx in Advance
Did you add a refresh button to the source report?
Try this:
Add a prompt button to the source report after the prompt. Change the button's prompt type to 'Reprompt'. Save and run the report. When you make your selections (l1,l2 not l3) then click the reprompt button. This will reload the report, and nothing will seem to change, but now your selections are stored in the runtime environment. Now click use the drillthrough link to the target report.
You should see the parameter then.
I tried your solution but the parameter doesn't seems to be passing to the target report.I am attaching the xml's of the sample source and target report that I created. Plz let me know wats the wrong thing tht I m doing.
Thanx in Advance.
Make the prompt on the target report required (turn from No to Yes in options). Save the target report. The parameter will now be passed. Set a default value on the prompt in the source report to keep users from passing a null value to the second report. I've made the changes on the reports you sent me. See if it works.
check the reports specs i posted in another forum.