I have a crosstab report which has Years on column edge and Months on row edge and amount as measure.
The sample output of crosstab is as below:-
2005 2007 2008 Total
Jan 100 50 75 225
July 10 50 50 200
Nov 50 10 100 160
Total 160 110 225
Now I want to show all the months starting from Jan to Dec and for the months were there are no values will show a zero...like this
2005 2007 2008
Jan 100 50 75
Feb 0 0 0
Mar 0 0 0
April 0 0 0
May 0 0 0
June 0 0 0
July 10 50 50
Aug 0 0 0
Sept 0 0 0
Oct 0 0 0
Nov 50 10 100
Dec 0 0 0
Plz let me know hw can we achieve this in Cognos?
Thanx in Advance.
Union or replace measure by 0 when it is null.
This will give me 0's for my measures but hw do I handle the Months.
I need to show all the months frm Jan to Dec irrespective of whether data is there or not.
When measures are replaced with 0's, crosstabs usually display the corresponding rows automatically, unless the months are not coming from data base query.
yes thts the case my month field is coming from the database field.
So displaying months frm Jan to Dec wont be possible ?
You can do this:
create a separate query that just has months, nothing else. This way it'll have all 12 months as it is not filtered by anything.
Then join that with your current query and use the months from first query.