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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: dipstm on 01 Nov 2008 09:52:17 PM

Title: Regarding Tree Prompts
Post by: dipstm on 01 Nov 2008 09:52:17 PM

I have two tree prompt for Territory and Media.
Territory has five different levels starting from Universe -->WorldWide-->Continent-->country-->City
Media has four different levels --> Level1-->Level2-->Level3-->Level4
We have a view in the database which shows all the hierarchy levels along with names.
Now my requirement is tht, Whenever user select a Level from the Tree prompt the detail report should
get filtered for children and parent of the selected level including the selected level.
For eg. If user selects USA from the Territory tree prompt then the detail report should filter data for all the children of USA and parent of USA including USA.
How do we do this in Cognos? Suggestions would be appreciated.

If anybody has any workaround for this , please let me know.
Thanx in Advance.