i have joined multiple list on my report
but i could not able to hide/eliminate the gap between two list.....
I appreciate any help
More description is needed to answer the question.
What do you mean joined the lists? You joined the data in the query explorer? You placed multiple lists side by side on the report page, etc...?
A picture is always helpful.
I have report with 2pages
and I have like around 3list joined from top to bottom
so I am getting a bit of gap in joins between those list.
thank for your help and concern
please provide a picture. sorry, but your explaination isn't understandable. As CognosBuddy11 mentioned before, you can join queries but not lists.
How you joined the two lists
you have a table and in that you have lists.
Explain clearly???
thank you so much janvi
yah we can add the list, i mean multiple....but i got the solution
thank you again