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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: Gina on 23 Oct 2008 03:21:49 PM

Title: Reviewer Edit / Rights not working properly?
Post by: Gina on 23 Oct 2008 03:21:49 PM
I'm trying to setup the Rights File in Contributor to allow for submitting and rejecting, but we don't want the people who are actually submitting to be able to Edit.  I've turned off Reviewer Edit and had the rights to Submit, but the Submit & Reject buttons are no longer available.  If I turn the Reviewer Edit option back on, then the submit & Reject buttons are available, but they are also able to edit the data. 

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? 
Thank you!
Title: Re: Reviewer Edit / Rights not working properly?
Post by: sascha on 24 Oct 2008 01:36:29 AM
Hi Gina

If you want your user to be able to submit in combination with preventing them to edit on one specific elist on the lowest level (leaf) there is no way of doing this by system standard settings (without building workarounds).

If you want your user to be able to submit in combination with preventing them from being able to also edit on all elist items on the lowest level below one hierarchy item (leaf)

Let me know if that works for you.

Title: Re: Reviewer Edit / Rights not working properly?
Post by: Gina on 24 Oct 2008 07:39:42 AM
Thanks for the post, but it's still not working.  I'm using contributor 8.1.  I've tried multiple different combinations and can't seem to get this to work properly.  If I turn Reviewer Edit off, there's no ownership, can't take ownership, and still no submit button.  Doesn't seem to matter what I assign in the Rights (Submit / Review).  With Reviewer Edit turned on, the hierarchial item still doesn't have a submit button, but is read only, but all the elist items are editable.  I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong in the security structure or if this is truly how it works! 
Thank you!
Title: Re: Reviewer Edit / Rights not working properly?
Post by: adityashah27 on 25 Oct 2008 11:52:43 AM
are you trying to take ownership at parent node?
Title: Re: Reviewer Edit / Rights not working properly?
Post by: Gina on 27 Oct 2008 07:19:26 AM
It works the same at every level.
Title: Re: Reviewer Edit / Rights not working properly?
Post by: sascha on 28 Oct 2008 11:08:20 AM
Sorry, I still don't really understand the exact case. Let me recap what you're trying to do:

UsereList item
(lowest level)
Allow Edit
Allow Submit
ReviewereList item
(lowest level)
Permit Edit
Allow Reject/Sumbit
ReviewereList hierarchy
(next level)
View only
or Allow Submit

Is that correct?
Title: Re: Reviewer Edit / Rights not working properly?
Post by: Gina on 29 Oct 2008 09:54:12 AM
Thanks for your help.  You actually did answer my question in your first response.  I'm trying to do something that isn't possible.  I'm just learning how to setup the security and it's been trial and error... I think (hope) I've got it now!   :)