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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: johny.cbi on 23 Oct 2008 02:30:35 PM

Title: report formatting
Post by: johny.cbi on 23 Oct 2008 02:30:35 PM
When I run the report(8.1version) and view the data is sorts by sales.   

When I email the report it, it doesn't sort by sales.

Thanks for your ideas
Title: Re: report formatting
Post by: lindero on 28 Oct 2008 03:13:34 AM
do you execute the report in different output formats? There is a different rendering between layout based outputs (HTML, PDF, EXCEL, etc.) and query based outputs (CSV, XML). When you do a sort on the result page, it only works in layout based outputs. If you want to have a sorting in CSV or XML, you have to set it on the query level within the query explorer.
Title: Re: report formatting
Post by: johny.cbi on 28 Oct 2008 03:59:20 PM
I want the report out put format in HTML or PDF. when I run the report the report is showing the correct values with the sorting

the same report, when I mailed to the user the sorting order is not working either in HTML or in PDF

I tried with Query level sorting & report level sorting etc... still it is showing wrong values in the email

Quote from: lindero on 28 Oct 2008 03:13:34 AM
do you execute the report in different output formats? There is a different rendering between layout based outputs (HTML, PDF, EXCEL, etc.) and query based outputs (CSV, XML). When you do a sort on the result page, it only works in layout based outputs. If you want to have a sorting in CSV or XML, you have to set it on the query level within the query explorer.