i need really a bad guidence for this case----
here is my data field
A/C_No date track_no Name
123 jan-1 01 tom
456 jan-2 10 david
648 jan-3 11 tek
569 jan-4 25 drew
789 jan-5 25 tony
425 jan-6 25 mike
I need to get the A/C_no and NAME which must has track_no=25
If I select date range from Jan-1 to Jan-6 and within those date all track_no are 25 the NULL (no value)
If I select date range from Jan-1 to Jan-6 and within those date, last date DOES NOT have any track_no25 then NULL(null value)
If I select date range from Jan-1 to Jan-6 and within those date range last date = track_no 25 then I need information about 1st occurance of track_no25,in this case that must be
plz some advice
thank you
no idea
Why aren't you filtering directly on track_no. Track_NO = 25 and forget the data range? -- Hold that, I got it - the date filter is exclusive -- Jan 2 - Jan 4 when you use a between clause. Is that the issue?