I am trying to get some product IDs like 500,501,502,503 and504 from date range.But
If we select just a month(any like from Jan1 to Jan 31o or any) then we need only 500 and 501 AND from the same report if we select date for year like any 12 months then we need all 500,5001,502,503 and 504. So far I amgetting only one value either Yearly or either manth.
Could you please give me some pop-up wayout .
when you filter data with a date range, data will be filtered automatically.
thank you surj
but i need only 2 codes when we select month and need 5 codes when we select a year.thats the difficulties i am facing that how to get those.
thank you
Be more specific on your prompts.
Do you have Date prompt for Range or you have value prompts for Month and year?
are Product IDs are hard coded vlues?
hello SSN, thank you
here is my details.
We have date range (from-to) prompt on prompt page. we are using this same report for annual version and as well as monthly version too.
and here are condition i wrote for yearly.........but if we want monthly then we dont need code 101.so how we can achieve both the version from same report.please
IF([Reverse_Mortgage].[transactions].[IDSTRANSACTIONCODE]in(101,102,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99) and [Reverse_Mortgage].[transactions].[DTMEFFECTIVEDATE]=[Reverse_Mortgage].[transactions].[DTMEFFECTIVEDATE])THEN
thank you
use a case statement in your filter that takes care of month prompt if it is selected otherwise takes year prompt.
its not about filter
I am talking about the data item. the expression are from data item.....we have just the date range in prompt page..............