I have been researching a question that should be simple.
I am writing a list report and running it in Excel format. The problem is that the column headings are WAY too wide. Is there a way in Cognos that I can make the space for column headings bigger and set the column headings to be multiple lines rather than just one huge hunk of crap?
Thanks John
I noticed this problem when the headers continuous lines like 'sales_per_month_country_wide' ... instead of this if you give the header like 'sales per month country wide' ... cognos automatically adjusts the header widths to fit the page width...
Try this out .....
Thanks for your suggestion. But this does not seem to be true when the report is produced in Excel format. It seems that Excel is the culprit here to me. I give it a heading like you suggested (individual words not connected) yet when I get the report the headings are all strung out like:
"Sales From Recent Months That Have R In Their Names"
It is annoying.
If you go through user guide, it lists many limitations on using EXCEL and formatting is one of them.
however, you may be able to use end of line and new line commands inside cognos data item to ensure the text is broken into multiple lines.